


En résumé

Passionate Developer / Aspiring Craftsman / TDD Lover / Agile practicer / DevOps learner

Mes compétences :
Java EE


  • Société Générale - Open Source Coordinator

    PARIS 2017 - maintenant
  • Aneo - Software Craftsman

    Boulogne Billancourt 2017 - maintenant
  • Ingenico - Developer

    Paris 2017 - 2017
  • Bforbank - Lead Developer

    2016 - 2017
  • Natixis - Developer

    Paris 2015 - 2016
  • BNP Paribas - Consultant JEE Developer

    Paris 2013 - 2015 Software developer on Securities Lending & Commodities.
    Working with some Business Units based in : London, New York, & Hong Kong.
    Team based in Paris & Mumbaï.

    - Software developer on Securities Lending internal applciation (BOLIVAR) & UBIX
    - Java JEE (Ejb 2/Spring/Hibernate/JDBC) / Weblogic 11g for server side.
    - JNLP / Swing / Spring core / AOP for client side.
    - Training of new consultants (Mumbaï training)
    - SQL Server 2008 (T-SQL), Oracle 10g (PL/SQL, partitioning, purge, package,…).
    - Main developer on Emir phase 1 project.
    - Journeys to London for Emir project (~10days)
    - Technical Support (level 2/3)

    Technical Environment :
    JAVA, Spring (Batch / core / AOP), ORACLE 10g (SQL, Dynamic SQL, PL/SQL, HINT, Optimization), Linux (RedHat), Windows (7, server 20xx), Eclipse, Toad, Shell (sh, ksh, awk), Vi, Jira, Confluence, Git, Jenkins
  • Société Générale - Consultant Production Support Engineer

    PARIS 2012 - 2013 Technical support on Deal Processing in production for Eliot, EDS, CNS.

    - Respect of processes : ITIL, Agile (short cycle).
    - Incident/Request management from others supports around Eliot.
    - Eliot, EDS, CNS support on WorldWide area with Montréal, Hong Kong and Bangalore, without interruption services (Follow the sun)
    - Written Communication in English (Mail, documentation, chat, ...)
    - Creation and maintenance of technical documentation (Standard Operating Procedure, stop/start, ...)
    - Scripting of shell tasks in bash.
    - Windows Batch to get some KPI for our team.

    Technical Environment : Linux (RedHat), Unix (Solaris), Windows (XP, server), Tibco RDV, Visibroker (Naming service), SYBASE (ASE, IQ, RS), Shell (sh, bash), Batch
  • Logica - Ingénieur NTIC

    COMPIEGNE 2011 - 2012 Worked for EDF, Nuclear division.

    Main developer on critical applications used by many people in nuclear plant.
    Applications were developed mainly in C/C++/JAVA on Linux/Unix server.
    DB used were Oracle 8i, 10g.

    - Intervention on most of V-Model phases.
    - Maintenance & evolution of documentations (Technical documentations)
    - Main developer for evolution & maintenance application developed in C/C++/PRO*C/JAVA/J2EE
    - Proof of Concept (POC) for integration of secured communication between applications and web service. (Using Axis2)
    - Scripting of shell tasks (sh, ksh) using PL/SQL to communicate with DB.
    - Reverse engineering about C++ module (with Fortran layer, libf2c) to understand how works the application (no documentation) : Evolution release in production.
    - Oracle DBA Workshop 1.

    Technical Environment : JAVA, C, C++, PRO*C, Shell (sh, ksh), PL/SQL, ORACLE, LINUX (Redhat), UNIX (Aix, Solaris, SunOS), Windows (XP, Vista, Server 2003)
  • Intiutiv Technologie - IT R&D Engineer

    2010 - 2010 Internship
    R&D new language : Upalu
    Development API Upalu.

    Upalu : simplifying mobile development to create universal langage for each mobile plateform (IOS, Android, ...)

    Technical Skills : UML, JAVA, Objective-C
  • CARL Software - Developpeur

    Limonest Cedex 2008 - 2008 ORACLE Developer


  • Sup'Info

    Lyon 2009 - 2011
  • Epitech Lyon

    Lyon 2008 - 2009 Third special class (1-3 years into 1)
  • Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard (Lyon)

    Lyon 2006 - 2008 DUT Informatique Génie Logiciel


Annuaire des membres :