


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Access
Microsoft PowerPoint


  • Tokyoesque - Head of Operations & Finance

    2018 - maintenant Tokyoesque enables European businesses to enter the Japanese and broader Asian markets, and vice versa, via cultural insight, professional introductions and market research.

    Services include quantitative online studies, focus groups, industry reports and trend/business tours.

    - owning key internal processes including Finance, HR and Legal;
    - responsible for the definition and maintenance of the standards of project management and process;
    - support the successful delivery of programmes undertaken by Tokyoesque through effective facilitation, tracking and reporting;
    - assist with advising managers and teams on the best use of project management disciplines and approaches and act as the first point of contact for any programme management queries within Tokyoesque;
    - work closely with the CEO to set individual team goals and targets in line with Company goals and organise Team Days and one-on-one feedback sessions;
    - stepping in and out of research projects to provide extra support, if needed.

    Visit our website : http://tokyoesque.com
  • ARCHEO AND FUTURA LTD - Operations and Business Development Manager

    2017 - maintenant Founded in 2005 in London, Archeo & Futura Ltd is specialised in setting up businesses in the UK.
    In about 10 years, we have helped thousands of companies to open their branch in the UK.

    Our services:
    • Business Formation
    • Business support
    • Accounting & Taxation

    Our dedicated team offer a wide range of services. Please contact us at +44 (0)208 871 3616 for further information.


    Strategy & Business Development
    • audited business processes and offered recommendations
    • tracked accounts receivable and offered strategies for optimising the business cash management
    • lowered operating costs by reviewing the supplier list and sourcing new suppliers
    • assisted in the acquisition of new accounting software to ensure effective communication, lower the business dependency on its team members and improve customer experience
    • lowered the company’s legal risk by reviewing all contracts (employment contracts, outsourcing agreements, suppliers contracts, engagement letters, etc.)
    • managed new clients meetings and current clients complaints while necessary

    • assisted entrepreneurs in setting up their business in the UK
    • advising the CEO of a 2 million turnover business to improve the business value by offering a better financial, management and HR structure while lowering the dependency on the owner
    • participated in the negotiation process of two business acquisitions and helped to draft Share Purchase Agreements

    Accounting & Finance
    • assisted the Accounting Team in the following tasks: business registration, company secretarial, bookkeeping, VAT Report, CT600, Self Assessment and PAYE

    • managed all HR processes (payroll, trainings, holidays, safety & security, recruitment, etc.)
  • Over Resourcing Ltd - UK Business Developer / Consultant en recrutement

    2014 - 2016 Duties:

    • opened the London branch starting from zero
    • conducted Market Research to understand the competitors’ strategy
    • defined the Business Strategy for the UK in conjunction with the shareholders
    • prospected and opened new key accounts (blue chip companies from EUR 6 billion to EUR 76 billion)
    • headhunted candidates through social media, local partners and the participation in networking events in EMEA, North America, Australia and Asia
    • managed the full cycle recruitment process of candidates
    • hired new employees when necessary
    • selected new suppliers and created new partnerships with governmental organisations, recruitment agencies and universities
    • promoted the Business by participating in networking events in the Recruitment industry
    • participated in the writing, negotiation and management of Client and Suppliers contracts
    • created and reviewed Sales & Marketing materials
    • improved the business process by auditing the company and offering new tools
  • US Embassy in Paris - Stagiaire auprès du Consul Américain de Lyon

    2012 - 2012 • Rédaction quotidienne de rapports sur les sujets de la presse régionale d’intérêt politique pour l’Ambassade de Paris et Washington
    • Augmentation de 40% des abonnements sur les réseaux sociaux et gestion de la communication externe
    • Conseil et assistance auprès de l’équipe du consulat et préparation de plusieurs événements visant à promouvoir les Etats-Unis
    • Acquisition de sponsors pour la réception du 4 Juillet
  • Mairie de Lyon - Stagiaire auprès d'un Ministre français et Porte-Parole du Gouvernement

    Lyon 2011 - 2012 • Rédaction de discours pour des événements publics
    • Gestion des médias sociaux et participation à l’écriture d’un livre
    • Rédaction de rapports sur des problèmes politiques et économiques
    • Participation aux élections législatives, à des débats publics et interviews de presse
  • Orangetango - Montréal (Canada) - Stage en Stratégie d’entreprise, Communication & Marketing

    2009 - 2009 • Préparation d’études de marché et analyse SWOT
    • Analyse de la stratégie des concurrents et rédaction de recommandations présentées aux dirigeants
    • Participation aux recherches marketing et brainstorming pour la rédaction d’offres aux clients
    • Collecte de $70,000 pour une association avec une équipe de 5 stagiaires



    London 2013 - 2013 Learn to Lead 2013

    Modules: leadership dans un milieu multiculturel, prise de parole en public, techniques de négociation, gestion des conflits
  • London School Of Economics And Political Science (LSE) (London)

    London 2012 - 2013 MSc in Law & Accounting/Finance

    Modules sélectionnés: Corporate Accountability - Financial Reporting in Capital Markets (US & UK) - Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructurings in Europe and the US – Corporate Finance & Asset Markets
  • Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin

    Lyon 2010 - 2011 Certificat de Droit Québécois et Canadien

    Cours dispensé sur "Second Life" par un professeur basé à Montréal.
  • Amherst College (Amherst)

    Amherst 2010 - 2010 US Study for Undergraduate Student Leaders

    Représentation de la France (3 français sélectionnés), études à Amherst College & Umass et présentation au Département d’Etat à Washington devant les membres du Bureau des Affaires d’Education et Culturelles
  • Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin (Lyon)

    Lyon 2010 - 2012 Master 2 Droit et Ingénierie Financière

    Classé 5ème de France dans la catégorie "Droit des Affaires et Management" par le cabinet SMBG: www.meilleurs-masters.com/master-droit-des-affaires-et-management.html
  • Faculté De Droit, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

    Lyon 2009 - 2010 Droit Américain et Droit Allemand

    Cours dispensés en anglais et en allemand par des professeurs invités
  • IAE (Lyon)

    Lyon 2009 - 2010 Licence Droit, Economie, Gestion mention Economie, Gestion mention Bien
  • IUT A Lyon 1

    Villeurbanne 2007 - 2009 DUT GEA spécialisé en Finance, Comptabilité

    Top 5% des étudiants


Annuaire des membres :