Over the last 14 years, I contributed to the intellectual property strategy of various companies and international organizations such as France Telecom/Orange or Intel.
My most significant achievements are:
- The building and development of the Turbo Codes Licensing Program with significant licensing revenues (e.g. license with Qualcomm, Broadcom ...) I also participated to several important licensing efforts such MP3/Sisvel program, Mpeg2 patent pool ...
- Influencing most of the IPR policies of telecommunications standards organizations such as ETSI, Open Mobile Alliance or ITU-T with a very influential role during the adoption of voluntary ex-ante disclosure of licensing terms and more recently the Fraunhofer report to the European Commission about IPR & Standards.
- Shaping the IPR strategy of various companies/initiatives, for example, IPR strategy model for a division of Schneider Electric, Open innovation & IPR at France Telecom/Orange (Strategic partnerships), EU funded research engagement at Intel
- Leading a policy initiative in Europe, being elected the chair of the IPR group of Digital Europe and representing the ICT industry in various IPR discussions such as the EU patent reform
- Building the open source compliance in an international consortium: LiMo Foundation now Tizen Association.
Truly passionate about intellectual property, I teach IP and licensing in two French universities, and speak in many conferences about IPR and related topics
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Pas de formation renseignée