rueil malmaison2009 - maintenant- Effective writing for the news developments.
- Implementation of the simulation for complexes machines (Mill-Turn with multiples spindles and channels). Good knowledge of the various languages of machines (Siemens, Fanuc, heidenhain…).
- Good knowledge of ProENGINEER and CADDS5, knowledge of CATIAV5, programming language C and C++. Knowledge of Windows and Unix.
- Engineer
Montreuil Cedex2001 - 20092007-2009 (Wetzlar, Gernamy): Technical manager in charge of the German subsidiary around NCSimul.
- Effective writing for the news developments.
- Implementation of the simulation for complexes machines (Mill-Turn with multiples spindles and channels). Good knowledge of the various languages of machines (Siemens, Fanuc, heidenhain…).
- Good knowledge of ProENGINEER and CADDS5, knowledge of CATIAV5, programming language C and C++. Knowledge of Windows and Unix.
2002-2007 : Digital Workshop Application Engineer for NCSimul software.
- Integration of complex machines tools into NCSimul for all customers (French, German, Japanese, Korean...).
- Installation, training and helpdesk around NCSimul software.
2001-2002 : Manufacturing development into CADDS5 with the CVNC module for High Speed Machining and composite machines (aeronautics company).
- CAM Manager
2000 - 2001Choice of a CAM software (EdgeCam) to increase the productivity of the company.
Creation of 5-axis programs in Edgecam for machine tools.
Design of prototypes stamping tools and realization of the NC programs for them.