
Yannick DE WILDE


En résumé

Research scientist in nanosciences and nanotechnologies, I am specialized in subwavelength imaging, near-field optical microscopy and other scanning probe microscopies. I am employed by the CNRS and member of the scientific council of the recently created Institut Langevin (2009) at Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles, where is located my research team.

Mes compétences :


  • CNRS

    Paris maintenant
  • ESPCI ParisTech - CNRS - Research scientist

    2000 - maintenant Academic research in near-field scanning optical microscopy.
  • Bureau National de Métrologie - Postdoctoral Research Fellow

    1998 - 1999 Design and building of a standard of current based on quantum single electron transistors operating at very low temperature (T=20 mK). This research program was part of a collaboration with the QUANTRONICS group at CEA / Saclay.
  • Ecole Normale Supérieure - Associate research scientist

    1997 - 1998 Associate researcher employeed by the CNRS at Ecole Normale Supérieure - Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain (formerly named : Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée). Investigation of Electromagnetic Properties of high critical temperature superconductors.
  • Argonne National Laboratory - Postdoctoral Fellow

    1994 - 1997 Postdoctoral researcher supported by the US National Science Foundation and University of Chicago at Argonne National Laboratory with the Material Science Division. Design of a low temperature scanning tunneling microscope and investigation of superconducting materials in a magnetic field.
  • CNRS - PhD student

    Paris 1990 - 1994 PhD research at CNRS in Grenoble.

    I did my PhD at the Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory as part of a joint program between the French "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique" (CNRS) and the German "Max Planck Institute" (MPI). PhD title "Ballistic transport of electrons at interfaces and boundaries". I also did an Annex thesis on "Mesoscopic transport in nanojunctions".


  • Université Libre De Bruxelles (Bruxelles)

    Bruxelles 1984 - 1994 Physics

    Bachelor's degree + PhD



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