- Project Management & Aquatic ecotoxicologist
2014 - 2014
Client: SLN-ERAMET (mining company)
Main project features: Freshwater biodiversity assessment, Ecosystemic services assessment, identification of mean project impacts.
Position Held: Project Management, Aquatic ecotoxicologist and hydrobiologist specialist, expert
Activities performed: (i) General coordination of the environmental studies and overall management of the team (ii) Fields studies.
Client: SLN-ERAMET (mining company)
Main project features: General coordination of biomonitoring, financial aspects management and reporting management.
Position Held: Project management and environmental expert
Activities performed: (i) Project manager (ii) supervion and completion of field investigation (iii): elaboration of survey protocol (iv) hydrobiologist Specialist (data analysis and results interpretation)
2013 - 2014
Client: VALE-NC (VALE-NC is a subsidiary of the Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), a multinational mining company)
Main project features: Pest management specialist, Biodiversity governance specialist.
Position Held: Project Management, Pest and weed specialist.
Activities performed: (i) General coordination of the environmental studies and overall management of the team (ii) Completion of the Strategy and the first operational Plan.
12. Main scientific publications:
Dominique Y., Maury-Brachet R., Muresan B., Vigouroux R., Richard S., Cossa D., Mariotti A. and Boudou A. 2004. Curimata cyprinoides as a fish model for analysis goldmining and damming effects on mercury contamination of freshwater systems. MATERIALS AND GEOENVIRONMENT 51 (2) : 954-956.
Dominique Y., Maury-Brachet R., Muresan B., Vigouroux R., Richard S., Cossa D., Mariotti A. and Boudou A. 2005. Biofilm composition and mercury availability as key complementary factors for mercury accumulation in fish (C.cyprinoides) from a disturbed Amazonian freshwater system. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26: 45-52.
Dominique Y., Muresan B., Duran R., Richard S. and Boudou A. Experimental simulation of the chemical fate and bioavailability of liquid elemental mercury drops from goldmining activities in Amazonian freshwater systems. Environmental Sciences & Technology 10:102.
Dominique Y., Sebilo M., Maury-Brachet R., Vigouroux R., Mariotti A. and Boudou A. Use of carbon and nitrogen isotopes to determine sources and biomagnification pathway of MeHg along an Amazonian aquatic food web. Submitted.
Dominique Y., Cotignola M., Gonzalez P. and Massabuau J.C. Impacts of dietary manganese on gene expression in liver, gills and brain of Arothron nigropunctatus. In Preparation.
Gonzalez P., Dominique Y., Massabuau J.C., Boudou A. and Bourdineaud J.P. 2005. Comparative effects of dietary methylmercury on gene expression in liver, skeletal muscle and brain of the zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environmental Sciences & Technology 39: 3972-3980.
Maury-Brachet R., Durrieu G., Dominique Y. and Boudou A., 2006. Mercury distribution in fish organs and food regimes : significant relationships from twelve species collected in French Guiana (Amazonian basin). Sciences of Total Environment 368 : 262-270.
Client: VALE-NC (VALE-NC is a subsidiary of the Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), a multinational mining company)
Main project features: General coordination and completion of biomonitoring, financial aspects management and reporting management.
Position Held: Project management and Hydrobiologist expert
Activities performed: (i) Project manager (ii) supervion and completion of field investigation (iii): elaboration of survey protocol (iv) hydrobiologist Specialist (data analysis and results interpretation)
- Hydrobiologist
2012 - 2013
Client: New-Caledonia Environment Observatory
Main project features: fields investigation three years after the accident. Methodological proposal for impact evaluation and remediation process characterization.
Position Held: Hydrobiologist and environmental's expert.
Activities performed: (i) Project manager (ii) supervion and completion of field investigation, (iii): Hydrobiologist Specialist.
- Local Scientific Coordination & technical Manager
2012 - 2015
Client: National Technological Centre for Nickel
Main project features: General management and local Scientific coordination, Field investigations, data collection and methodological proposals for impact evaluation, propose a methodology replicable for EIA survey.
Position Held: Local Scientific Coordination and technical Manager,
Activities performed: (i) Project manager (ii) supervion and completion of field investigation (iii): elaboration of survey protocol, (iv): Hydrobiologist Specialist.
Client: New-Caledonia Environment Observatory/National Technological Centre for Nickel
Main project features: General management and local Scientific coordination, Field investigations, data collection and methodological proposals for impact evaluation, propose a methodology replicable for EIA survey.
Position Held: Local Scientific Coordination and technical Manager,
Activities performed: (i) Project manager (ii) supervion and completion of field investigation (iii): elaboration of survey protocol, (iv): Hydrobiologist Specialist.
- Project management
2009 - 2012
Client: Port Autonome of Noumea (port authority of Noumea)
Main project features: Completion of Permitting Procedure including EIA and Hazard assessment, assistance during the instruction procedure.
Position Held: Project management and permitting procedure expert
Activities performed: (i) Completion of EIA and Hazard assessment (ii) coordination of technical studies in adequation with the standard procedure of NC administration (iii) relationship management with the administration during instruction phase.
- Project Manager
2008 - 2009
Client: Southern Province of New-Caledonia, Department of Public Works.
Main project features: Completion of the permitting procedure for natural ressources extraction, assistance during the instruction process, EIA, Environmental baseline.
Position Held: Project Manager and permitting procedure specialist
Activities performed: (i) General coordination of the environmental studies and overall management of the team (ii) Completion of the EIA and permit (iii) assistance during the instruction phase (iv) General coordination of the EIA survey during extraction phase
- Project management
2008 - 2012
Client: Koniambo Project (GLENCORE:X-Strata/SMSP: mining company)
Main project features: General coordination of biomonitoring, financial aspects management and reporting management.
Position Held: Project management and environmental expert
Activities performed: (i) Project manager (ii) supervion and completion of field investigation (iii): elaboration of survey protocol (iv) hydrobiologist Specialist (data analysis and results interpretation)
Client: SLN-ERAMET (mining company)
Main project features: Completion of the permitting procedure, EIA, Environmental baseline.
Position Held: Project Management, permitting specialist and environment expert
Activities performed: (i) General coordination of the environmental studies and overall management of the team (ii) Completion of the EIA and Permitting Procedure (iii) Fields studies.
ÉTEC (New-Caledonia)
- Project Manager of ``Permitting and Environment
2007 - 2008
Bio eKo Consultants
- Directeur & Project manager of Biodiversity Conservation Department
2007 - maintenant
Née le 16/09/1978
Adresse : 7 bis rue de Suffren 98 800 - Nouméa cedex - Nouvelle-Calédonie
Mail : ydominique@bioeko.nc
Phone : + 687 250 488 / +687 750 021
University of Bordeaux 1
- Position held: Responsible for academic research in Aquatic Ecotoxicology
2006 - 2007
Position held: Responsible for academic research in Aquatic Ecotoxicology
- Project management & Ecotoxicologist Specialist
2006 - 2007
(Prony bay and Uvea lagoon)
Southern Province Authority
Main project features: Field investigations, data collection and methodological proposals for impact evaluation, propose a methodology replicable for EIA survey.
Position Held: Project management and Ecotoxicologist Specialist
Activities performed: (i) Project manager (ii) supervion of field investigation (iii): elaboration of EIA survey protocol.
Client: Province Sud of New-Caledonia Southern Province
Main project features: Feasibility study for the implementation of a ``valvometre'' in New-Caledonian lagoon. Test for the choice of the best biological model.
Position Held: Project Manager and Specialist
Activities performed: (i) General coordination of the engineering team (ii) Ecotoxicologist specialist (iii) Laboratory test for the choice of the best biological model ;
HYDRECO (French-Guyana)
- Project manager
2003 - 2006
12. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned
11. Detailed Tasks Assigned
Mining & Ecotoxicology Project: Academic research Program: Characterization of metals dispersion in New-Caledonian ultramafic massifs: a comparison between the operated and non-operated massifs
Year: 2014-2017
Location: New-Caledonia
Client: CNRT-Nickel et son environnement (CNRT is a public organisms grouping government authorities and mining firms)
Main project features: Aquatic ecotoxicologist, local coordination of scientific works.
Position Held: Aquatic ecotoxicologist expert and local coordination
Activities performed: (i) Local project manager (ii) supervion and completion of field investigation (iii): Aquatic ecotoxicologist Specialist (data analysis and results interpretation)
Project: Academic research Program: Characterization of high ultramafic metals concentration on human health in New-Caledonian: a comparison between the operated and non-operated ultramafic massifs
Year: 2014-2017
Location: New-Caledonia
Client: CNRT-Nickel et son environnement (CNRT is a public organisms grouping government authorities and mining firms)
Main project features: Ecotoxicologist, local coordination of scientific works.
Position Held: Ecotoxicologist expert and local coordination
Activities performed: (i) Local project manager (ii) supervion and completion of field investigation (iii): Ecotoxicologist Specialist (data analysis and results interpretation)
French Guyana
- Project management
2003 - 2006
Client: Electricité de France (EDF), Electricity production/supply company
Main project features: General coordination of axe 2 of Mercury Research Program, Field investigations, data collection and methodological proposals for impact evaluation, propose a methodology replicable for EIA survey.
Position Held: Project management and environmental expert
Activities performed: (i) Project manager (ii) supervision and completion of field investigation (iii): elaboration of survey protocol (iv) Hydrobiologist and Ecotoxicologist Specialist (v) development of experimental works ;