


En résumé

I have founded Yves Mercier Partnership and rehabilitated Rix Mill in Burgundy (France) to provide a business structure and a place for sharing experience and ideas, in order to encourage creation and facilitate the operational management of evolution at either individual, business or society levels.

The experience I have to share is 35 years of creation and management of change in the corporate international environment, from creativity to operational implementation, as executive and as independent entrepreneur. As part of the companies I have worked for: Bull, Digital Europe, NCR, ABB Corp., IFF, Avaya EMEA, NSE, OSIATIS, Transac, Datapoint, Marais Groupe, Credit Lyonais,...

Building together a bespoke partnership and learning from each other to design and implement business evolution and motivate all the collaborators is the suggested approach.

This win-win partnership brings the benefit of a common and motivating enrichment and takes into account the development of the collaborators affected by the change.

To get an idea about the atmosphere that you will find at Rix mill click onArray. You can contact me at


  • Yves Mercier Partnership - Manager

    2012 - maintenant



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