


En résumé

Experienced manager with a strong background in product management, business development and an extensive international and cultural experience.

Along with a great experience in Orange, I also have a strong academic background with a Phd and a Master in Telecom and IT Engineering.

I am also a PMP® certified and multilingual in English, French and Arabic (classical, Lebanese and Moroccan), with a personal drive to exceed my own expectations as well as those of the teams I have managed and been a member of.

I am adaptable to the ever-changing technological and market environment of the workplace, having progressed from being an
- Audio R&D Engineer, to a
- Cloud, IPTV and Video project manager, and currently,
- Regional pre-sales manager, handling all Middle East and Africa region bids for voice, mobile data and bandwidth products

Mes compétences :
Project management
Business developpement
Cloud computing
Audiovisuel techniques
Microsoft office
Business development


  • Orange - Regional Presales Manager, MEA

    Paris 2012 - maintenant Led cross-functional teams of sales, technical experts and product managers, as Bid Manager:
    - Analyzed requirements of the multiple Wholesale customers, and proposed customized product offering
    - Developed business case scenarios and defined optimal pricing proposals for various product types including Mobile Data, VAS (e.g. Fraud Management, SMS Control), CDN (cloud data delivery), VOIP, IPx, SDH, IEL, SS7, Roaming, 2G, 3G, LTE, Satellite, etc.
    Developed product portfolio with marketing team, and jointly identified and qualified new products
    Increased on-time proposal response from 82% to 92% by streamlining processes and enhancing pricing tools
    Commended by management on numerous occasions (e.g. on excellent proposal for Aljazeera global network)
    Exceeded presales objectives by 25%
  • Orange - Project manager

    Paris 2010 - 2012 Led various product development projects, particularly an innovative multi-device videoconference service, and cloud gaming over IPTV platform

    As project leader (13 FTE) of the multi-device videoconference service (for both IPTV providers and end users):
    - Defined, staffed and led various project work-streams covering IPTV, SIP, augmented reality, media servers
    - Promoted the project to Orange teams in Spain, Poland and R&D France, and won their involvement
    - Completed all project phases (architecture, prototype development, testing) with optimal use of resources
    - Reduced time-to-market by initiating & building a performance tracking tool to measure QoS and QoE

    As project manager of the integration of cloud gaming service:
    - Drafted a paper on cloud gaming strategies: main actors, SWOT analysis, business model, action plan, etc.
    - Presented to executive committee and gained approval on proposed work plan aiming to secure Orange leading position in cloud gaming service innovation
    - Reduced Orange cash out by selecting & involving alternative cloud gaming service providers; saved 30 M€
    - Enhanced cloud gaming client quality of experience (QoE) - Patent on automating multiplayer game launch
    - Promoted cloud gaming service to R&D CEO (targeting 3 million clients and 120 M€ revenues)
    - Demonstrated the multi-device Gaming on Demand service at Orange global innovation exhibitions
    - Handed over cloud gaming project to a new team that was actively operating after only 3 days

    Contributed to Orange innovation achievements:
    - Won Orange best patent award for 2011 - STB modification implemented allowing Orange IPTV client electricity bill reduction by 48 M€ yearly
    - Owner and inventor of 9 patents in multiple domains: cloud services, IPTV, QoS, QoE
    - Increased number of team's patented inventions by 300% yearly (from 1 to 4 patents)
  • France Telecom - Research & Development Engineer

    Paris 2006 - 2009 Studied and developed speech and audio quality enhancement algorithms for mobile devices:
    − Established a large audio database of 360 scenarios reducing cost and time for researches
    − Enhanced Mobile audio acquisition by developing an accurate and powerful source separation algorithm
    − Obtained best Audio enhancement results in the 2008 international Signal Separation Evaluation Challenge
    − Published 5 articles and participated in international congresses including IEEE in NY, IWAENC in Seattle, EURASIP in Glasgow, ICA in Brazil and Gretsi in Dijon
    Invented 2 patents in the Audio domain
    Doctorange President: Enhanced communication channels and collaboration between all Orange PhD students


  • Polytechnique Grenoble - INPG (Grenoble)

    Grenoble 2006 - 2009 Doctorat

    Telecom et Media - With Honors
  • Telecom Bretagne (ENST Bretagne)

    Brest 2005 - 2006 Master

    mention TB, moyenne : 17.2, rang : 2/28
  • Université Libanaise -Faculté De Génie (Tripoli)

    Tripoli 2001 - 2006 Ingénieur

    mention TB, moyenne : 16.7, rang : 2/29


Annuaire des membres :