


En résumé

Compétences fonctionnelles :
• BFI, Front Office (OMS, PMS) …, Trading Electronique, Back Office (notion)
• Actions, Options, Obligations, Warrants, OST
• Market Data (notion)
• Valorisation (black and scholes, arbre binomial)
• Crédits
• Swift

Compétences métiers :
• Etude de l’existant,
• Analyse des besoins, rédaction de cahiers des charges, spécifications fonctionnelles
• Conception
• Gestion de projets, gestion de planning
• Coordination et organisation de réunion
• Homologation, recette
• Formation utilisateurs
• Support utilisateurs et gestion et résolutions des incidents

Mes compétences :
front office
Java j2ee


  • CIC - Trading Room Support

    Paris 2011 - 2011 Trading Room Support (English context)

    - Daily checks of the whole CMCIC trading platform
    - Flow monitoring of DMA and Routing: Alert systems for capital overflow or market rejections…
    - Assisting the sales-traders and the negotiators in their daily use of ULLINK products
    - Remote support of traders in Nantes, Lyon, London and New York.
    - Production incidents management: indoor users or off-site users raise production problems, diagnostic of the bug symptoms (remote access if necessary), give a prompt fix or workaround if possible, report incident to related provider, attach appropriate logs and print screens
    - Support of products :
     ULLINK (ULTrader, ULIRIS)
     Marvelsoft (TradeMind and Axcellerator)
     GL (GLWinway)
     CMCIC internal (PASTIS, Dealer)
     Market Data (QuantHouse, Bloomberg)
     Market connections (Euronext and CHIX)
     Broker connections (AKJ, NCB, Equinet, Banka Akros, Caja Madrid, BCG, Danske…)
    - User requirements analysis and specifications
    - Coordination with different third parties to assure the follow-up of the bugs or the development of new requirements (reports to users, following editors, coordinating with internal development team, production team …)
    - Approval and acceptance of new versions: non regression tests and tests of new developed requirements
    - Follow-up when new version is pushed into production
    - Data extraction under users’ requests (traders or middle office users)
  • ULLINK - Technical Account Manager (TAM)

    Paris 2010 - 2011 Migration of the trading platform of client CMCIC from ULLINK version 1 to version 2

    - Study of the trading environment of CMCIC in V1
    - Implementation of the 3 OMS in V2 in the test platform
    - Adaptation of the 2 existing Bridges to the V2 connectors
    - Tests of the V2 platform and documentation.
  • Arrow - Consultant Finance

    Sainghin-en-Mélantois 2010 - 2012
  • Vermeg - Project Manager

    Tunis 2008 - 2010 Design and development of Mortgage (Algebra Gestión Hipotecaria: Mortgage Credit Management)

    - Analysis of client business requirements
    - Specifications drafting
    - UML Design (class diagrams, lifecycles…)
    - Participation in developments and development of various components
    - Planning management
    - Approval management (test plan strategies …)
    - Technical and Business Configuration of the application (on site in Madrid)
    - Data Migration (on site in Madrid)
    - Users Support (on site in Madrid)
    - Design and implementation of decisional reports (Dashboard) (Tunis)
    - Mortgage team training (Tunis)
    - Remote support (Tunis).
  • Vermeg - Java/J2EE Developper

    Tunis 2006 - 2008 eGedo Application (Electronic Governance of Equity Debt and Option)

    - UML Design of the product
    - Development of various components
    - Integration and Support
    - Referential management (Holders, Beneficiaries, Delegations, securities, options, loans)
    - Movements Management (Subscription, Transfer, Cancellation, option exercise, Pledge, Unpledge)
    - Shareholder Position Management
    - Dividend remuneration (cash and security)
    - Stock options (For both methods, "Binomial Tree", "Black, Scholes & Merton")
    - Vote Module (General Assemblies, Boards, Votes at meetings, remote voting)
    - Shareholders Agreement (Exit rights, preemption rights, exceptions, third parties approval)
    - Supervision of the integration of the Communication module made by trainees (JForum).


  • Faculté Des Sciences De Tunis (Tunis Manar)

    Tunis Manar 2003 - 2006 Informatique
  • Institut Préparatoire Aux Etudes D'Ingénieur De Tunis (Tunis)

    Tunis 2001 - 2003 MP

    Math Physique


Annuaire des membres :