Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- Consultante Indépendante
2012 - maintenant
Membre d'une Mission d'identification d'un Projet d'appui à la sécurisation alimentaire et à la gestion des risques et des catastrophes dans le grand Sud de Madagascar
Deutsche WeltHungerHilfe
- Consultante
2011 - 2011
Elaboration d'une proposition d'un projet de reboisement à vocation énergétique dans les régions Boeny, Sofia et SAVA
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
- Consultante
2011 - 2011
Analysis of National Parks co-management (Parks Managers and population) benefits. KfW funding
WWF International Madagascar
- Chef de mission
2011 - 2011
Strategy of sustainable Fuelwood Supply of the city of Toliara updating and completion. WB funding
Deutsche WeltHungerHilfe
- Consultante
2010 - 2010
Elaboration of a concept note of a fuelwood reforestation project in Boeny and Diana Regions.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- Consultante e-VAL²
2009 - maintenant
- Stakeholders assessment of the UADEL Ihorombe and Atsimo Andrefana according to the GTZ method e-VAL ². German Cooperation funding
- Mid-term stakeholders evaluation of the PGM-E according to the GTZ method e-VAL ². German Cooperation funding
- Mid-term stakeholders evaluation of the GIZ Aids project according to the GIZ method e-VAL ². German Cooperation funding
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Consultante
2008 - 2008
Moderation of operational planning workshops of the North Western and Southern offices of the "Natural Resources Protection and Sustainable Management " GTZ Program
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Consultante
2007 - 2008
Team member on Project identification for a Fuelwood Sector Programme of German Development Cooperation. KfW funding.
The World Bank
- Consultant
2007 - 2008
Elaboration of the strategy of sustainable Fuelwood Supply of the city of Toliara. WB funding
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Consultante
2005 - 2005
Assessment of the beneficiaries’ opinions on the effects of the health care offered to the poorest by the Health project. German Cooperation funding
Programme ACORDS Madagascar/AHT group
- Expert en socio-organisation
2005 - maintenant
Organiser les Maîtres d'Ouvrage des infrastructures financées par l'UE dans le cadre du programme pour leur gestion post-investissement.
Renforcer leurs capacités à cette fin et les appuyer pour la prise de responsabilités dans la mise en oeuvre de la politique de décentralisation
AHT Group AG
- Consultante
2004 - 2010
- Team member on mid-term evaluation of the Erosion protection in Betsiboka – Programme de Lutte Anti-Erosive (PLAE). KfW funding
- Team member on mid-term evaluation of the Erosion protection in Betsiboka – Programme de Lutte Anti-Erosive (PLAE). KfW funding
- Team leader of the identification mission for new locations of the Erosion protection in Betsiboka – Programme de Lutte Anti-Erosive (PLAE). KfW funding.
- Moderation of the starting-up workshop of the Erosion protection in Betsiboka – Programme de Lutte Anti-Erosive (PLAE) phase II. KfW funding.
- Team member on identification mission for new locations of the Erosion protection in Betsiboka – Programme de Lutte Anti-Erosive (PLAE). KfW funding.
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development - BMZ
- Consultante
2003 - 2003
Team member on Evaluation of "Priority area: Environment Policy and Sustainable use of Natural Resources" perspectives in Madagascar, on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. BWZ funding
World Food Programme
- Consultante
2003 - 2003
Participatory Elaboration of natural resources management plan of the Bombetoka Bay – North West of Madagascar. WFP funding
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Consultante
2003 - 2003
Development of OD (organizational development) and development planning support strategies for the POLFOR Project (Projet d'appui à la POLitique FORestière, Institutional Support Project ). German Cooperation funding
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Consultante
2003 - 2003
Team member on the Project Progress Control of the GREEN-MAD project in charge of socio-economic impacts assessment on beneficiaries. German Cooperation funding.
Helvetas, Swiss Association for International Cooperation
- Consultante
2003 - 2003
Assessment of the small farmers support programme of Swiss Cooperation – SAHA prior to an external evaluation. Swiss Cooperation funding
GTZ Polfor
- Responsable du projet à Mahajanga
2003 - 2004
Représentation du projet à Mahajanga
Mise en place des structures de gestion de feux de brousse dans la région SOFIA
Structuration des COBA de la région Boeny en Unions et Fédération
CARE International Madagascar
- Consultante
2000 - 2000
Training in Gender and Development Issues for the staff of Care Madagascar
- Chef de projet expatriée du PEDM
1999 - 2002
Gestion administrative et financière du Programme Energie Domestique de Majunga - Mise en oeuvre par le groupement MARGE-CIRAD-FOFIFA
Financement Banque Mondiale sur le PDSE
Mise en oeuvre du Schéma Directeur d'Approvisionnement Urbain en Energie Domestique
GTZ ODAI Port-Bergé
- Conseiller Technique
1995 - 1998
Conseil technique pour les unités :
Promotion du genre
Auto-promotion paysanne
- Chef de projet expatriée du Projet d'autopromotion familiale à Bezaha
1989 - 1992
Gestion administration et financière du projet d'autopromotion familiale à Bezaha - région du Sud-Ouest de Madagascar