Shield Mining Mauritania
- Manager Accounting and Secretarial (Part Time)
2009 - 2010
Shield Mining Limited
Shield Mining Limited (SHX : ASX) is an Africa-focused gold and base metals explorer listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
Shield currently holds nine licences which cover a total area of 12,106km2 in Mauritania.
The flagship project is the Tijirit licencewhich hosts 5 drill ready targets each of 1-2.5 km strike length.These prospects are 35km SW of the Tasiast Gold Mine(producing 230,000 oz/annum) and have similar geology and characteristics.Drilling commenced in mid-April on some of these targets.
Shield also has a joint venture agreement on Saboussiri, a copper/gold property in southern Mauritania for which it is the manager.Following an aerial geophysics program, Shield now has a drill ready copper target on this property.
Sphere Mauritania S.A. - Glencore Iron Ore
- Mauritania Finance Manager & Company Secretary
2007 - 2015
Sphere Investments Limited is a West African focused iron ore company which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (Code: SPH).
Guelb el Aouj
The Company’s flagship project is the the Guelb el Aouj Iron Ore (magnetite) Project in Mauritania, West Africa. Sphere is developing the Guelb el Aouj Iron Ore Project in partnership with Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière (SNIM), Mauritania’s state-owned iron ore producer.
The Guelb el Aouj project will include an open cut mine, beneficiation and pelletising plants to produce high grade Direct Reduction (DR) pellets for export, utilising joint venture partner SNIM's existing iron ore railway and port infrastructure.
Sphere has an exploration licence for EL264 which covers the Lebtheinia magnetite-quartzite prospect. The prospect has a strike length of 24km and is strategically located 50km from SNIM’s railway line. In December 2008, following an extensive drilling campaign, Sphere Investments Limited announced a JORC Code compliant Mineral Resource of 2.3 billion tonnes (Bt) at the Lebtheinia Centre Deposit, one of four deposits contained in two adjacent licenses that are 100% owned by Sphere. This maiden Resource includes 1.75Bt of Indicated Resource, removing the requirement for further resource definition drilling previously planned for 2009.
The Askaf Project covers the exploration licence EL172, located 35km south of the Guelb el Aouj Project Area and adjacent to SNIM’s iron ore railway. The 194km2 Askaf exploration licence includes six magnetite-quartzite deposits.
A 10,000m RC and diamond drilling campaign commenced in November 2009 on the Askaf magnetite-quartzite deposits with an Exploration Target set of 330–500Mt. A maiden resource statement is expected by May 2010.
Maiden metallurgical test results from Askaf announced in January 2010 confirm that a Sinter Feed Blend product of 65-67.8% Fe can be produced from a simple dry magnetic separation process. A conceptual study has been completed for a low capex entry level 4Mt/a DSO-style sinter feed project from Askaf.
El Aouj S.A.
- Chief Accountant
2007 - 2007
The Company's flagship project is the Guelb el Aouj Iron Ore (magnetite) Project in Mauritania, West Africa. Sphere is developing the Guelb el Aouj Iron Ore Project in partnership with Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière (SNIM), Mauritania's existing iron ore producer.
SNIM is the world's seventh largest supplier to the seaborne traded market in iron ore and currently exports 12 Mtpa of iron ore to markets in Europe and North Africa.
The Guelb el Aouj project will include an open cut mine, beneficiation and pelletising plants to produce high grade Direct Reduction (DR) pellets for export, utilising joint venture partner SNIM's existing iron ore railway and port infrastructure.
Sphere has a 50% stake in the Guelb el Aouj Project for funding a Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) due for completion in October 2007.
Patronat Fédération des Industries et Mines
- Responsable de la Cellule Etudes et Développement
2006 - 2007
· Mise en place d’une base de donnée à la FIM, permettant par la suite de faire une analyse complète de la situation actuelle des Industries et Mines en Mauritanie ;
· En charge de la promotion et de l’élargissement de la FIM ;
· Chargé de la création de valeur ajouté visant le bien-être des unités industrielles et minières mauritaniènnes.
Maersk Mauritanie S.A.
- Responsable de la Logistique
2004 - 2005
- Charger de gérer le Département de la logistique en qualité de Logistic Manager sous la supervision du Directeur Général de Maersk Mauritanie S.A. ;
- Responsable de la coordination de toutes les opérations logistiques ;
- Responsable commercial du département de la logistique, charger de la vente du produit logistique (transit, camionnage, entreposage, magasinage …)
- Responsable de l’augmentation de l’activité du Groupage (LCL : Less than Container Loads) ;
- Responsable du Freight aerien ;
- Responsable des signatures de contrat avec les sociétés suivantes :
* Supply Chain Managment) Mauritanian Copper Mines (MCM) S.A.R.L s/c de INTERMET Engineering pour l’Import et l’export (des fournisseurs : Australie, Afrique, Europe, Amérique, Asie ; à l’usine à Akjoujt) de tout l’équipement nécessaire à la mise construction de l’usine d’extraction de cuivre et d’or basée à Akjoujt ;
* Halliburton Worldwide Mauritania : Transit, Export, Import, Entreposage ;
PDA/COG Consulting
- Assistant Consultant/Comptable
2004 - 2004
Cabinet de consultance en Management (Finance, Comptabilité et Ressources Humaines)
Nouakchott - Mauritanie
• Aider le consultant à bien mener les missions d’audit et tenir la comptabilité des entreprises clientes :
• Assistance pour l'organisation interne ;
• Mise en place de système comptable ;
• Mise en place de structure de gestion de ressources humaines ;
• Audit de comptabilité et financier ;
• Mise en place de procédure de contrôle interne facilitant la délégation de responsabilités
Consultant Indépendant
- Consultant
2003 - 2003
Nouakchott - Mauritanie
• Etude : évaluation des recettes et des dépenses de l’Alliance Franco-Mauritanienne à ATAR.
Banque Sénégalo-Tunisienne
- Assistant Auditeur
2002 - 2002
Dakar - Sénégal
Département de l'Audit Interne
• Contrôle des journées comptables ;
• Inventaires physiques des valeurs ;
• Revue des cautions.
Cabinet MGRH
- Consultant Junior
2001 - 2003
MGRH : Cabinet de Consultance en Management, Gestion des Ressources Humaines.
Dakar - Sénégal
• Chargé de collecter les informations pour l’élaboration des Audit ;
• Participation à la rédaction des documents finaux ;
• Elaboration des Manuels de procédure ;
• Gestion des ressources humaines et budgétaires ;