
Alexandra ADDED


En résumé

As a VFX manager, I see it as my goal to oversee and ensure that the often costly and time-consuming process of visual effects is both on time and on budget. Having a strong background, in terms of education and experience, as a visual effects artist, in addition to my years of experience as a VFX coordinator, I feel I am one of the more uniquely qualified individuals in the industry to drive or coordinate projects with maximum efficiency. I am self-motivated, confident and willing to work hard to achieve set goals and prove myself in a dynamic work environment. I learn quickly and adapt with ease to new people, places, projects and pipelines.

Je sais mettre à profit ma double compétence de chargée de production et de graphiste, au bénéfice d’une production ( gain de temps et d'argent ). Le fait de bien connaitre les aspects techniques me donne un avantage certain dans la gestion des projets mais aussi dans la gestion relationnelle des graphistes.


  • Trixter Munich - VFX Production Manager

    2015 - maintenant Marvel
  • The UX Agency - Head of production

    2014 - 2015 Welcom to the most creative augmented reality agency !!!!
  • Ubisoft - Maps Associate producer

    Montreuil 2013 - 2013 Just Dance 2014
  • MPC - Show Production Manager

    London 2011 - 2012 John Carter of Mars
    Total Recal
    Jack Giant Killer
    Lone Ranger
  • Wam - Post productrice

    2010 - 2010 Kelloggs Kid & Adult
    Prisma presse
  • Partizan Lab - Post productrice

    2010 - 2010 Evian
    118 712
  • Wizz - Post productrice

    2009 - 2010 Perrier
    Kelloggs Kids & adult
    EDF - GDF
  • Mikros image - VFX producer

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2008 - 2009 • L'AUTRE MONDE directed by Gilles Marchand
    • PESPSI MAX directed by Mattijs
    • LOGO DARKWORKS directed by Pierre Magnol
    - Preparation, management and follow-up the project in general on feature film and commercials
    - Follow-up of production costs
    - Working with supervisors to create, maintain and update working production schedules and keep projects on track.
    - Ensuring artists have the information and materials required to complete their work efficiently.
    - Bidding projects after analysis of the given artistic and techinicals data provided by clients. Negociations on budget agreement.
    - Maintain/ improve budget limitations to meet the company's objectives .
    - Identify freelance Cg artist whose experience and expertise are most suitable to specific projects.
  • DUBOI - VFX coordinator

    2007 - 2008 • Babylon A.D / Directed by Mathieu Kassovitz - 20th century fox
    • Ali baba / Directed by Pierre Aknine - TF1
    • La chambre des morts / Directed by Alfred Lot - Produire à Paris
    - Follow up of the post production needed on the feature film
    - Ensuring artists have the information and materials required to complete their work efficiently. Create weekly TO DO lists for members of the production team, and ensure quotas are met.
    - Establish production scheduling.
    - Make timely and precise reports for future planning.
    - Daily communication with the clients, follow up of each requests , their costs & time implications.
    - Ensure and organize production assets. Schedule, assign and complete within the allocated time and budget, that all materials are approved and ready for shooting in accordance with the production schedule.
  • Mac Guff Ligne - Infographiste Rendu Eclairage

    2005 - 2005 Infographiste sur Pat & Stan saison III de Pierre Coffin
  • Mac Guff - VFX coordinator

    2005 - 2007 • Space elevator directed by Pascal Roulin
    • 99 f directed by Jan kounen
    • Bjork Video clip directed by Michel Ocelot
    • Kaiser chief - Ruby directed by Martin Sjostrom, Nico Knudsen, Stylewar
    • Milka directed by Pierre Coffin
    • NPES clip for prevention of health
    • Premier Voyage directed by Grégoire Sivan
    • Nbj directed by Frank Baradat
    - Preparation, management and follow-up the project in general on feature film, commercials or video clip
    - Follow-up of production costs
    - Working with supervisors to create, maintain and update working production schedules and keep projects on track.
    - Ensuring artists have the information and materials required to complete their work efficiently.
    - Bidding projects after analysis of the given artistic and techinicals data provided by clients. Negociations on budget agreement.
    - Maintain/ improve budget limitations to meet the company's objectives .
    - Identify freelance Cg artist whose experience and expertise are most suitable to specific projects.
  • Mac Guff Ligne - Coordinatrice post prod

    2004 - 2006 AZUR ET ASMAR directed by Michel Ocelot
    - Preparation, management and follow up of the post production needed on the feature film
    - Ensuring artists have the information and materials required to complete their work efficiently. Create weekly TO DO lists for members of the production team, and ensure quotas are met.
    - Creation of admistrative tools for budget follow up, comparison of previsionnal and real costs, thus allowing financial anticipation
    - Establish production scheduling and recording system that will ensure accurate history of production figures .
    - Make timely and precise reports for future planning.
    - Daily communication with the clients, follow up of each requests , their costs & time implications.



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