Université de Lille1
- Assistant Professor
2009 - maintenant
Assistant Professor at Polytech'Lille (Engineering School within a University). Mainly involved in design, realization and characterization of digital circuits for communication devices.
Researcher at IEMN (Microwave Lab.), mainly involved in sensor networks and their efficient energy management.
Université Catholique de Louvain
- Post-doctoral researcher
2007 - maintenant
Design and realization of integrated mechanical testing suites for thin films (e.g. Al, Cr, Si3N4, with thicknesses between a few nanometers up to a few micron). Among these film, aluminium thin films are under particular study, due to its use in microelectronics.
Study of adhesion measurements between thin films (e.g. Al, Au, Cr, ...) and substrates (e.g. Si, glass, ...)
USTL (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille1) / IEMN
- Assistant Professor, ATER (Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche)
2006 - 2007
Design and realization of MEMS switches for beam-switched antennas
About 270 hours of given lessons (pratical and theoretical)
USTL (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille1) / IEMN
- PhD student
2002 - 2006
Design and realization of MEMS switches for high-efficiency antennas