


En résumé

Médecin spécialisé en santé publique et en épidémiologie, ayant de l'expérience en pharmacovigilance, tant dans le développement clinique que dans le post-marketing.

Mes compétences :
Risk management
Clinical Research
signal detection
Public health
Document management
Regulatory Affairs


  • United Biosource Corporation (UBC) - Associate Director, Pharmacovigilance

    2015 - maintenant
  • United BioSource Corporation - Safety Physician

    2013 - 2015 Complete preparation of Benefit-Risk assessments of marketed products.
    Medical input in processes of Signal detection and management.
    Complete preparation of Safety Issue Work-ups for marketed pharmaceutical products.
    Provision of medical input for the preparation of mandated reports, such as HA Request, PSUR.
  • Sanofi pasteur - Product Safety Officer

    Lyon 2009 - 2013 Responsible for a range of pediatric vaccines. Medical assessment, detection of safety signals, RMP, PSUR and answer to HA request writing.
  • Sanofi Pasteur MSD - Vaccine Safety Officer

    Paris 2007 - 2009 Collection, evaluation and analysis of the adverse events due to the use of a range of vaccines.
    Management within timeframes of the pharmocovigilance reports both in and outside Europe.
    Participation in pharmacoepidemiological studies to monitor the safety of a range of vaccines.
    Answer to health authorities’ request in European countries.
  • Besançon's hospital - Specialized training doctor

    2003 - 2007


  • Université Besançon Franche Comte

    Besancon 2006 - 2007 University degree in hospital hygiene, Epidemiology
  • Franche-Comte University

    Besancon 2006 - 2007 Master 2 - Epidemiology

    Master second year: "faculté de sciences et techniques de Besançon Environnement, santé, société". Mention Assez bien.
  • Franche-Comte University (Besancon)

    Besancon 2006 - 2007 Thesis of medicine

    Very honourable mention.
  • Franche-Comte University

    Besancon 2005 - 2006 Master 1 Biostatistics

    Epidemiology and Clinical research : « biostatistiques et modélisation » and « Méthodologie de la recherche clinique et épidémiologique ».
  • Franche-Comte University (Besancon)

    Besancon 2003 - 2007 Diploma of Studies Specialized in public health, Medical
  • University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Villeurbanne)

    Villeurbanne 1995 - 2003 First and second cycles of the medical studies University,
  • Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard (Lyon)

    Lyon 1995 - 2003 Medecine

    Medical study
  • Externat Sainte Marie

    Lyon 1985 - 1995 Rhone


Annuaire des membres :