At the early age of 23, I purchased a small IT Company and I changed it into IT Leasing company, thanks to some luck and nice encounters.
6 years after, I sold this company to a bigger one and, along with Johann Derouen and Stephane Gosselin, my associates and friends, we founded "Industry Capital", which was not less than transferring the knowledge we've acquired into the IT business to the industrial production business.
Industry Capital has now 9 associate partners and two offices in Paris, France and Valencia, south of Spain. We basically gives the opportunity to investors to put their ressources into industrial assets which are then rented or used through service contracts by final customers, which are medium and big size companies with big names and good to excellent financial strength.
In 2011, I also founded with Pierre-Henri Canonne a new service for private individual: "Lavoir Moderne".
This company comes from the fact that we all need fresh and clean clothes everyday but cleaning them ourselves is excessively boring, if not a nightmare. Then you just call the Lavoir and eventually 5 to 30 minutes maximum later, someone would comes with an electric tricycle for taking all of your dirty clothes and then bringing them back 3 days later, cleaned, fresh and ready for the closet. As easy as ordering a cab or a pizza.
The first Lavoir Moderne has opened its doors in october 2012, only for the inhabitants of the XVth borough of Paris. We are planning to extend our operations into the whole city at a pace depending from how much the service is well received and demanded by the customers.
As an active member of HEC alumni society, I participate frequently to admission juries to HEC executive education and I testify as much as I can on how, anyone who achieves 10 to 15 years of professionnal experience in management should attend this training.