


En résumé

Chargé de mission en organisation du secteur du transport routier de marchandises

Mes compétences :


  • Google Inc - Account coordinator

    Paris maintenant I was in charge of checking and analysis of the ads before their publication over the French market.

    I used to check the content and the suitability to the Google policies, with a monitoring aspect of the clients (Adwords and account administration).
  • TNS Media Intelligence - Press reader in charge of press reviews

    2008 - 2008 I was in charge of the study and the analysis of the information in medias. Thus I used to make media alert, impact assessment and analysis of the press message for clients as luxury companies, trade companies or agricultural associations.

    I was in charge of collecting and analyze the strategic information of our clients and their competitors.

    Lastly I made synthesis of the news, to help our clients in their strategic decisions.
  • Google - Account Coordinator

    Paris 2007 - 2007 Inside the SBS French Team, I was in charge of checking the ads before their publication.

    Thus I checked the “Ad words” and their match to internet searches
    I checked for compliance with the company policies
    Then I made the report to the customers regarding any problems with their ads
  • SOFIOM - Writer

    2006 - maintenant Writing of short analysis essays (Lebanon crisis in 2006; Evolution of geopolitical situation in South Caucasus) to inform the members of the society
    Redaction of prospective analysis of situations that could generate crisis, and unhinge areas and weak states.
    In my slips, I analyse the social, economics and politics causes of crisis, and notably I analyse the local actors strategies.
  • Intermission consulting - Employee

    2006 - 2007 I used to contribute to the creation of their web site specialized on logistics and transport careers. (http://www.supply-chain.fr/), facing the leader in logistics careers in France
    I made a comparative analysis of existing job boards web sites (Cadremploi, Monster).
    Then I proposed ideas in order to improve candidate’s profiles and management job searches, and search optimisation
    I made a market analysis and presentation of my ideas.
  • Clara - IT services - Employee

    2005 - 2006 While I was in that company, I used to make Management and monitoring of the commercialised data base
    I was in charge of the correction of mistakes, and staking out of files. With Collection and diffusion of information about indexed companies.
  • EMA/DE/UE – French defence ministry - Paris – France - Internship

    2004 - 2005 While my internxhip, for 3 months, I made an analysis about strategy and evolution of European defence policy, and European civilian and military crisis management concept.
    I was in charge of redacting a synthetic slip of 10 pages. Focused on the past evolutions and the concepts proposed to improve it for officers in Bruxelles.
    My analysis made a comparison of the different concepts (France, Great Britain and Sweden)and the added value that France could bring.
  • French submarine forces – Brest - Internship

    2003 - 2003 I was in charge of updating synthetic slips about French military and defence agreements,
    Meanwhile I wrote a geopolitical slip of 15 pages on NATO reforms and “Anglo-Saxon” approaches.

    I proposed ideas for France initiatives (how many officers could be sent), and introduced a cycle of 11 conferences, about international problems for officers preparing the “Collège Inter-armées de Défense” examination


  • Institut Privé De Relations Internationales Strategiques

    Paris 2004 - 2005 Master II de Relations Internationales

    Institut de formation développé par l'IRIS, a pour vocation de former des étudiants à différents métiers dans un contexte international, afin de former des techniciens ouverts aux problématiques internationales, et capables d'apporter à leurs futurs employeurs une vision globale des questions auxquelles ils seront amenés à se confronter.
  • Institut Etude Relations Internationales ILERI (Paris)

    Paris 2001 - 2004 Master I de Relations Internationales - Commerce International

    Insitut qui propose un enseignement pluridisciplinaire organisé autour de pôles, permettant d'appréhender les nouveaux enjeux du monde, dans le secteur public ou privé à l’international


Annuaire des membres :