


En résumé

14 years Pan European Cash Equities Salestrader
- Salestrading Equities & ETFs to institutional accounts ranging from Tier 1 to 3.
- New products development and Research distribution
- Also responsible for the Corporate Trading (good relationship with some CAC40 Corporates).
- Alternative Execution (Basket trading, Derivatives, DMA & Algos...).

Know Hows:
- Business Management (Productivity, Tier 1 to 3 customer relationships)
- Cash Equities & ETFs salestrading
- Operating Management (hiring, training, incentive)
- Global Macro bias
- Research sales support

- Speed, intensity, challenge
- Rigour, rules, respect, loyalty
- Investigation, speculation, quick results

Mes compétences :


  • Newedge Group - Cash Equities Sales & Trader

    Paris 2011 - maintenant - Pan-European & US single stocks and ETFs sales & trading to institutional Fund Managers and Dealing Desks.
    - Daily Global Macro monitoring & weekly ETF flows research, cross-selling, in addition to regular salestrading service.
    - Resumption of Institutional Customers relationships (dealing desks) and canvassing of additional Asset Managers.
  • Espirito Santo Investment Bank, incorporating Execution-Noble - Cash Equities Salestrader / Sales Assistant

    2010 - 2011 - Entrepreneurial story: new player in France, local office franchise (smaller team, higher interactivity).
    - Execution services platform implementation (Cash, Derivatives, Program Trading, DMA & Algos), liaising with London office Analysts, Sales, Salestraders and Traders.
    - Assist sales people develop new products and distribute ESIB's Research (stock-picking approach).
    - Road-shows organization (Analysts and Corporate Managements meetings).
  • Citigroup - Pan European Equities Salestrader, Director (Paris)

    New York 2001 - 2010 - Dealing with order flow from French institutional Fund Managers and Dealing Desks (Tier 1 & 2): morning calls, market monitoring, flow advertising and orders management (single stocks orders, ETFs), development of long-term relationships with clients and in-house market-makers (improved relationship between Paris and London offices).
    - Team work (up to 5 Salestraders). Program Trading and Alternative Execution backup.
    - Also responsible for the Corporate Broking (see below), 10-year relationship with some CAC40 Corporates.
    - Supervising interns and juniors in charge with in-house and client-version informative documents production (Morning Call support, block lists, newsflow...). Hired and trained a junior Salestrader, trained many interns.
  • Schroders Salomon Smith Barney - Corporate Broking Sales

    2000 - 2001 - Implementation of the Corporate Broking concept in Paris (web site, market monitoring, daily informative documents).
    - Liaising between Sales / Salestrading/ Research Department / Corporate Department / market newsflow.
    - Regular order flow from corporate clients (share buybacks) as a reward for this service, also used as an entry door to help the Investment Banking Department obtain primary deals.
    - Client relationship development towards a gain in market share (fees from share repurchase programs).
    - Financial road-shows support: management & investors presentations, analysts meetings.


  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce

    Nantes 1996 - 1999 Finance

    - Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business (Columbus, Ohio, United States): Spring quarter. Majored in Finance (stock market, portfolio managment, derivatives).

    - Finance Major, ranked second (cash flows, international finance, financial engineering, financial strategy, corporate finance, financial markets).


Annuaire des membres :