


En résumé

Bioinformatic and Biomedicine PhD
Ingeneer in Computer Sceince

Having a double education as an engineer in computer science and a PhD in bioinformatics and biomedicine, I’m looking for new opportunities for my career, especially by combining these two ways of thinking, and related to concrete projects on my favourite theme: human disease issues.

To briefly summarize my profile, I chose work experiences in order to apply my skills and knowledge to concretely resolve biological issues (e.g. biological processes involved in liver cancer progression, molecular mechanisms explaining phenotypical transition, common protein patterns in neurodegenerative diseases). My research domains revolve around two main topics: Systems Biology, including an integrative biology approach analysing gene regulatory networks through the detection of transcription factor binding sites on miRNA promoters; Sequence Analysis, including whole proteoms analyses through the development of a multi-pattern-matching approach in order to detect protein patterns and to classify proteins (MIP super family).

In addition to my responsibilities as a researcher, I also developped my communication skills through teaching and people management, which allows me to easily join a team and manage groups and projects. I'm motivated and enthusiastic, flexible and adaptable for new projects and technologies.

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Système d'information


  • IRC - Regional Cancer Institute - Paul Strauss Center - University Hospital of Strasbourg - Bioinformatician

    2013 - maintenant Exome sequencing analysis dedicated to cancer diagnostic and prognostic, and rare and complex disease understanding. The aim is to develop a daily clinical routine pipeline, in collaboration with molecular biology and haematology labs at HautePierre hospital and with the oncology lab at Paul Strauss center.
  • Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics - University of Lausanne - Bioinformatician at Vital-IT and the Medical Genetics Department of the UNIL

    2012 - 2013 Exome sequencing analysis (causative variant), at Vital-IT group (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics), in collaboration with the Statistical Genetics Group at the Department of Medical Genetics and the CHUV.
    Development and implementation into the daily clinical routine of a comprehensive pipeline (from the sequencing to the data interpretation) dedicated to exome sequencing analyses, which aim is to identify rare genetic variants associated to rare diseases and more complex pathologies. This project relies on strong collaborations with Vital-IT/Swiss-Prot groups (SIB), the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and the Department of Medical Genetics (DMG).
  • Université du Luxembourg - Assistant Chercheur

    2010 - 2012 Analysis of gene regulatory networks to identify biologically relevant sub-networks explaining transitions between cellular phenotypes. Development of a discrete logic modelling optimization approach guided by network dynamics [XPred project –] (LCSB collaboration, Luxembourg). Application in cancer processes such as metastasis, anoïkis resistance (ISB collaboration, Seattle), epithelial/mesenchymal transition (EMT/MET) as a dynamic system.
    (Systems Biology, Gene Regulatory Networks, Network modeling, topology and dynamics, Transcriptomics, Cancers)
  • Université du Luxembourg - Post Doctorant Chercheur

    2008 - 2010 Construction and analysis of meta-regulation networks integrating transcription factors, microRNAs and targeted coding genes, in order to detect relevant network motifs, such as feedback and feed-forward loops [MIR@NT@N project –]. Application in epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) processes in breast cancer.
    (Integrative Biology, Meta-regulation Networks, Transcriptomic & Post-transcriptomic regulations, Cancer and EMT)
  • CNRS 6026 - Post-Doctorant Chercheur et Enseignant

    2007 - 2008 Analysis and integration of proteomic data related to amyloïd proteins, mainly involved in the most serious neurodegeneratives diseases such as Alzheimer, Huntington and Parkinson [AMYPdb Project –]. Classification method using a multi-pattern-matching approach, applied to major intrinsic proteins [MIPdb project –].
    (Sequence annotation, Protein pattern & motifs, Database conception, Knowledge repository, Amyloidosis)
  • Université de Rennes 1 / INSERM U620 / CNRS 6026 - ATER - Enseignant Chercheur

    2006 - 2008 Enseignant Chercheur en Bioinformatique
    Enseignement en Licence et Master dans les disciplines Informatique et Bioinformatique
    Recherche en Biology Intégrative, analyse des données transcriptomiques et exploitation des réseaux de gènes
  • CEMAGREF / INSERM - Consultant

    2005 - 2006 Conseils en Gestion de Connaissance et Système d’Information

    Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) development to manage data and processes with a multiuser web-based environment [RM@LIMS project].

    Content Management System (CMS) implementation to improve research laboratory communications, data storage and efficiency [ARI@NE Project].
  • INSERM U620 - Doctorant

    2003 - 2007 Étude du cancer du foie par analyse bioinformatique de données d’expression de puces à ADN :
    - Développement d’un environnement d’analyse et d’interprétation de données d’expression génétique (Projet M@IA, Datamining, Biologie Intégrative, Méta analyse de données, Réseaux Métaboliques...)
    - Élaboration d’un environnement informatique de gestion de connaissances (Projet ARI@NE, Réseau Intranet d’un Laboratoire de Recherche)

    Management, analysis and integration of transcriptomic data in hepatocellular carcinoma. Environment dedicated to gene expression data annotation and analysis, integration of biological knowledge and interaction graph analysis [M@IA Project –].
    (Integrative Biology, Interaction Graphs analysis, Transcriptomic analysis, Meta-analysis, Gene regulatory networks)
  • Université de Rennes 1 - Moniteur - Enseignant Chercheur

    2003 - 2006 Enseignements en Licence et Master dans les disciplines Informatique et Bioinformatique
  • INSERM U620 - Analyste développeur

    2003 - 2003 Élaboration d’un cahier de laboratoire électronique pour la gestion des expériences menées sur le transcriptome et le stockage des données d’expression de gènes (Projet M@LIMS)

    Development of a laboratory information management system (LIMS) dedicated to transcriptomic experiments (microarray), and gene expression data storage and annotation [M@LIMS Project].
  • CRDP de Bretagne - Analyste Développeur

    2002 - 2002 Analyse et développement d’une application pédagogique diffusant des documents multimédia et vidéo par l’Internet (Projet Gens de Bretagne)

    Development of a web environment diffusing multimedia contents for French high school ("Gens de Bretagne" Project).
  • INSERM U620 - Analyste Développeur

    2002 - 2002 Entrepôt de Données en BioInformatique
    Modélisation et mise en place d’une base de données pour la gestion des expériences de puces à ADN en collaboration avec l’INSERM U533 et la Génopôle Ouest (Projet M@DSTAR V2)

    Development of a microarray database in collaboration with Nantes Hospital and Ouest Genopole [MADSTAR Project].
  • S.D.I. - Analyste Programmeur

    2001 - 2001 Analyse et programmation d’applications Progiciel de gestion pour l’entreprise.

    Development of enterprise management systems (accounting, salary, strategy).



Annuaire des membres :