After a Master in General Engineering in France (Ingénieur Centrale Paris) and another one in Germany (Diplomingenieur RWTH Aachen), I worked in several business environments (in the industry or for service companies), having several positions (from the purchasing to the sales department, incl production and BU Director with my own P&L), either in a functional or in an operational dept and in international environments (Europ).
This gave me the right experience to take now a position like a subsidiary managing director. For instance in a service company based on a physical product (no financial services…) or in a non-complex industry (process with only a couple of main steps but big volumes).
I have an entrepreneurial mindset, used to be autonomous and always find a solution. I like strategic level consideration (building roadmaps, business plans…) as the operational actions. Lastly I am results oriented.
Mes compétences :
Business management
Direction de centre de profits