


En résumé

Professional Experience:
Finance and accounting, audit, management control, organisation, HR, IT, administration, tax and compliance. Management skills, and highly analytical. International experience in Brazil and UK; mainly in Financial Services and in the Communication industry. Specialised in Brazilian taxes.

Providing Financial, Accounting, Management, Tax and Administration services to international companies setting up or developping in Brazil. Interim Management in financials positions.

Author of a book (in French) on the basics of Brazilian Taxes, intended for French Companies doing business in Brazil. "Comptabilité et Fiscalité Brésiliennes: l'Essentiel"
is on sale on fiscalitedubresil.com. Available in English as from 09/2012.

Finance and accounting, audit, management control, organisation, HR, IT, administration, tax and compliance. Management skills, and highly analytical.

Mes compétences :



    2012 - maintenant BPC Partners Consulting: a team of 25 professional specialised in Accounting, Tax, Audit, Legal services; and Financial Management.

    Part-time CFO. Providing Interim management; and services related to due diligence, financial, legal and tax advises to Brazilian and International companies operating in Brazil.

    BPC is a French-Brazilian consulting company, specialised in Accounting, Finance, Tax, and Legal topics.

    Partners from Europe, South America and North America; most of them Certified Chartered Accountant (ACCA & CRC) and ex-Big4

    BPC offers to its international clients:
    - certified accounting services,
    - tax advise in order to minimize the Corporate Tax burden,
    - legal advise to set up local subsidiary, Plc, or Ltd,
    - audit (financial statements, procedures, business plan, organisation, strategy),
    - financial management,
    - international payments,

    In order to concentrate on Commercial success, clients are also offered to outsource all support services of their newly created subsidiaries: accounting, IFRS financial reporting, payroll, administrative and legal.
  • BNP Paribas Asset Management - Responsable Contrôle de Gestion

    Paris 2009 - 2012 BNP Paribas AM is one of the largest global players in Asset Management with over 500 Billion Euros in asset under management and over 4000 staffs.

    First task was to create two new departments of Management Control (France + Europe excl France) following a business wide re-organization triggered by the integration of Fortis Asset Management. Recruitment and training of new staff. Implementation of the new organization.
    I also improved the interface between accounting data and management control in order to streamline the edition of the monthly Management Accounts. One of the issues was the review of the mapping (due to a new chart of account) and of the management control input (off the books).

    Responsibilities covered
    • the production of the yearly budget & forecast for French entities (+supervision for European entities),
    • the production of monthly management accounts for French entities (+supervision for European entities),
    • the follow up of actuals against budget, identification of explanations and presentation to European CEOs during a monthly conference call.
  • Fagga Eventos - Brésil - Directeur Financier

    2008 - 2009 During a sabbatical year, CFO of all 5 subsidiaries of Fagga Eventos (GL Events) in Brasil. The company has revenue of 35M Euros and 150 staffs in Brasil. It organises trade fairs, concerts and sport events; manages 3 locations for public events; and edits a monthly magazine.

    My first achievement was the correction of the Financial Statements where mistakes had been building up over the past three years. Subsequently, I implemented new process in order to avoid this happening again.
    I also communicated and explained key basic principles to the Operations Manager in order to improve the profitability of the business.
    In order to cut costs and improve efficiency, I relocated and re-organized the accounting departments of 2 subsidiaries into one single department.

    Responsibilities included:
    •budget / accounting / reporting : preparation, update, and follow up of budget ; cash management; edition and communication to legal authorities of Financial Statements (Brazil norms), and to the GL Group (IFRS),
    •legal: edition and validation of commercial contracts,
    •human resources: selection and recruitment, payroll, implementation of Group HR policies,
    •IT: management of the IT team, definition of priorities,
    •administration: management of purchases of overheads, assets and logistic.
  • BNP Paribas/Cetelem - Brésil - Directeur Financier

    2005 - 2008 Cetelem Brazil (part of BNPParibas) is a Consumer Finance company, with over 500M Euros assets, and 800 staffs.

    First achievement was to correct the Financial Statements and to implement the key critical recommendations of the BNP Paribas Audit Department.
    I reviewed and corrected the Intra-group accounts and realized a one-off 1M Euro profit.
    With respect to management, I strongly diminished the turnover of staff, and slightly diminish the number of staff in the department while improving the quality of production of accounts.
    I merged Purchasing department with Logistics department in order to streamline processes and cut costs.

    Responsibilities included:
    •Accounting : bookkeeping and edition of Financial Statements in local and in IAS standards, implementation of Group norms, reporting to Head Office in Paris, and to Brazilian banking regulatory authorities,
    •Treasury : monthly funding of the portfolio, through the monetary financial market of Sao Paolo,
    •Legal : validation of contracts, setting up commercial partnerships,
    •Tax : management of federal and local taxes (Cetelem Brazil offers consumer finance throughout Brazil federal territory),
    •Purchases : tender offers for services, purchase of furniture and other assets,
    •Logistics: in hundreds of point of sale over the entire Brazilian territory.
  • BNP Paribas/Cetelem - Paris - Responsable Audit Interne

    2002 - 2005 Cetelem Group (now renamed Personal Finance) is the Consumer Finance subsidiary of BNP Paribas, one of the top 10 global players.

    My first achievement was to build up the audit team by recruiting, training and managing 4 new employees. After 3 years in this position, the team was very well staffed and organised.
    I also adopted the BNP Paribas (‘Inspection Générale’) Audit methodology.
    The quality of my audit reports was such that the CEO of Cetelem Group (François Villeroy de Galhau, currently Head of BNP Paribas Retail Baking) has decided to participate in final meetings where the reports were discussed.

    Scope was the whole Group, excluding IT (but during audit missions abroad, 2 IT staffs were working within the team) and the French retail network.
    Main missions realized abroad: audit global of subsidiaries (Greece, Morocco, Poland, Brazil, Taiwan, Thailand), and financial audit (Germany).
    Missions in the Head Office : Department Client Relation Management, International Organization of the Cetelem Group, telecommunications costs.
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers - Londres & Luxembourg - Senior Associate

    1997 - 2002 Senior associate in the audit department. Over two years in Luxembourg, and three years in London. Clients mainly in the Banking Industry, and marginally in Publishing, and Food wholesaling.



Annuaire des membres :