


En résumé

Software engineer with 2+ years of experience in the development of Web-based applications in Agile environments. Rigorous, detail-oriented and curious, I am proficient at building maintainable and robust applications using the technologies that fit the project requirements. Hold a Bachelor in Computer Science.

Mes compétences :
Language C
Java Android et J2E
Développement Android


  • Learnovate Centre - Full Stack Web Developer

    2016 - maintenant Engineering and development of a Web-based toolkit supporting the importing of educational content by publishers.

    ● Key technologies: Loopback, Node.js, AngularJS, Bootstrap 3, MongoDB, Microsoft Azure
    ● Deployment on the Cloud technology Microsoft Azure.
    ● Conception of the toolkit and its overall architecture with the team leader.
    ● Creation of an API using Loopback, the Web Application was developed using Node.js (backend) and AngularJS with HTML/CSS (frontend).
    ● Configuration of a MongoDB Virtual Machine, used as our main data source during the project.
    ● Use of Git as our version control system, supported by Gitlab and OpenProject for a better management of our tasks. I was in charge of the management of the resources during the coding phase.
    ● Contact with the client, following an Agile development.
    ● Redaction of the technical and user documentation, to provide a maintainable project.
    ● Development realised on MacOS X.
  • Etix Everywhere - Software Developer

    2015 - 2015 I worked as a Software developer for Etix Labs in order to realize a R&D project in a 4-people team. Our objective was to provide an intelligent economic tool to improve the efficiency of the R&H and commercial functions of the company.
    I took part in the research phase of 1 month, in order to try different technologies and test them.
    I worked on the conception of the software, according to the research phase of the project.

    I also worked in an agile development environment during the research and coding phases, including daily meetings and objectives reviews, and usage of different software and services in order to improve the communication and the efficiency of the team (Jira/Stash/Confluence/Slack, Git).

    Before the coding phase, I made several Dockers, in order to standardise the development, and be able to launch the software from any machine.
    After the research phase, I created an API in Go in order to standardise communication between the software core and the database (OrientDB).
    I also developed some scripts in NodeJS in order to retrieve data on the different social networks.

    ● Key technologies: Go, Node.js, OrientDB, Docker.
    ● Agile development environment.
    ● Research and test of different technologies.
    ● Conception of the software.
    ● Use of Git in order to share the work with pull requests approved by our team leader.
    ● Debug/Code review according to the backlog tasks.
    ● Redaction of the technical and user documentation.
    ● Development realised on MacOSX.
  • Mobile-Process - Software Developer Part-time

    2014 - 2015 During these 5 months, I was a Web developer in a micro-enterprise in order to develop the console used by clients companies’ administrators. I worked in autonomy to design the user interface and received the help of another developer for the backend of the Web Application.
    All the code was in Java for the backend, and in HTML, CSS and JavaScript for the frontend.

    ● Key technologies: Java, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 3, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON.
    ● Design of the console, according to the scope statement.
    ● Coding of the user interface with Bootstrap 3 (HTML/CSS).
    ● Use of servlets to communicate with the console and send/receive data on the backend.
    ● Use of libraries to execute asynchronous tasks to send/update data in real time (Ajax and JQuery).
  • Cora Informatique - Software Developer Intern

    Croissy-Beaubourg 2013 - 2013 I was in charge of the development of a mobile application on the Android operating system, designed for supermarket managers in the French retail company Cora. I took care of the design of the application, before coding the different functionalities stated in the scope statement. View of all the checkouts in the supermarket, administration tools and research functions.

    ● Key technologies : Java, XML, Eclipse, ISO8583 protocol.
    ● Design of the application, according to the scope statement.
    ● Functionalities developed in Java and design in XML.
    ● Development on the Eclipse IDE.
    ● Use of the company API with the ISO8583 protocol in order to retrieve data from supermarket machines.
    ● Creation of user and technical documentation to maintain the application.



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