
Astrid-Marie PIRSON


En résumé

Underwriting Manager / Directrice technique souscription - Hiscox France


  • Hiscox France - Underwriting Manager

    Paris 2016 - maintenant
  • Hiscox France - Head of Technology, Media, Telecom & Cyber - France

    Paris 2015 - 2016 Responsable de marché Assurances professionnelles sur les lignes Technologie, Médias, Télécoms & Cyber - France

    1/ Technical responsibilities
    - Drafted the European and French underwriting guidelines for Technology PI, and the French guidelines for Marketing & Advertisers PI & Cyber insurance
    - Drafted the French wordings, underwriting guidelines and marketing materials for Technology PI and Cyber insurance
    - Created wording, guidelines and pricing approach for Engineers PI in France
    - Reviewed pricing approach and underwriting appetites for Technology PI, Marketing & Advertisers PI and cyber insurance in France
    - Monitored the growth and profitability of TMT & Cyber lines on business for France

    2/ Training
    - Handled referrals for all French underwriting teams, linked them to the European underwriting management team
    - Created detailed training materials for Hiscox France’ teams and brokers on TMT & cyber risks and products
    - Trained the French underwriting teams on TMT & Cyber risks and insurance, and worked with them on significant accounts

    3/ Market insight
    - Participated in European and group forums on TMT & Cyber markets
    - Participated in several France and group market studies on TMT & Cyber markets
    - Contributed to the yearly product innovation roadmaps for France
    - Participated in launching several strategic deals with distributors
    - Finalized several partnerships with service providers around cyber insurance

    4/ PR
    - Spoke in many events, workshops and conferences on cyber & IT insurance topics (Forum international de la cybersécurité, FEVAD, Cercle Lab, Talents de l’Assurance…)
    - Interviewed for several newspapers (Les Echos, La Tribune, L’Argus de l’Assurance, Le Nouvel Economiste, Le Parisien, Le MagIT...)
    - Listed in Décideurs’ 50 leaders to watch in risk management & insurance business as a cyber expert and runner-up for “Trophée Femme expert de l’assurance”
    - Gave lectures on cyber risk and insurance (Institut des assurances de Bordeaux)
  • Hiscox France - Technology / Media / Telecom Claims & Cyber Underwriter

    Paris 2011 - 2015 Expert sinistres Assurances professionnelles - Technologies / Médias / Télécoms / Cyber

    • Handled TMT & cyber claims (small, middle & large, French & English) / Gestion des sinistres dans les domaines ci-dessus (small, middle & large, y compris en anglais)

    • Drafted training materials for handling TMT claims & white papers and articles on cyber insurance / Rédaction de supports de formation à la gestion des sinistres TMT, ainsi que de plusieurs livres blancs et articles dans le domaine de la cyber-assurance

    • Participated & spoke in conferences and workshops / Participation & interventions à plusieurs salons, ateliers et événements (Assises de la Sécurité Informatique, Forum Dimo, Matinées Afdel)

    • Took an active part in drafting the French Technology PI policy and in building claims roadmaps & panels / Participation à la rédaction de la police RCPro Métiers de l’informatique by Hiscox
  • Delaporte Briard Trichet / Tessler Avocats - Avocat à la Cour

    2005 - 2011 Delaporte Briard Trichet - Avocats au Conseil d'Etat et à la Cour de cassation / Supreme Court Attorneys (5 ans)
    Tessler Avocats - Avocats à la Cour (1 an)

    Areas of business :
    - contracts & torts, business and commercial law, competition law
    - litigation - pleading before the French Trial and Appeal Courts
    Domaines (entre autres) : cassation, assurances, obligations & contrats, droit commercial et des sociétés, droit de la concurrence, droit pénal
    Plaidoirie devant les juridictions de première instance et d’appel - rédaction de mémoires dans le cadre des procédures de cassation (Cour de cassation et Conseil d'Etat).



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