


En résumé

Experienced English Translator with a demonstrated history of working in the translation and localization industry. Skilled in Translation, Website Localization, Localization, Technical Translation, and Proofreading. Strong education professional with a M2 focused in professional translation from ITI-RI Institut de Traducteurs, d'Interprètes et de Relations Internationales.


  • RWS Moravia - Freelance Reviewer

    2017 - maintenant Uber (via RWS Moravia)
    - Work hand in hand with a team of 6 other reviewers
    - Proofreading, editing and review of all translated drafts received from the translation teams
    - Final review of localized products (websites, mobile applications, marketing material ...)
    -Ensuring high-value brand products are ready to be released to target markets
    - Quality Control after edition vs Uber’s strict quality guidelines and requirements-
    - Verifying compliance with Style Guide
    - Feedback sent to editors and translators using a quality matrix (error categories, severity, …)
    - Proofreading, editing and review of all translated drafts received from the translation teams
    - Checking to see that any text that appears in the user interface is correct
    - SEO
    - Verification of context and language suitability of the localized product user interface
    - Linguistic consultations with the Language counterpart (Subject Matter Expert) of the Client
    - Focus on solutions and improvements of the language quality
    - Maintaining the confidentiality of the review process: not sharing, discussing with third parties, or disclosing information from the reviewed material
  • SeproTec Multilingual Solutions - Freelance In Country Reviewer

    2016 - maintenant HP (Hewlett Packard)

    - Work within a team of three ICRs (Computing, GSB, Printing), coordination by ICR manager
    - Review of all Computing translations before publication (hpe.com/e-commerce, adds, videos, subtitles, technical publications, data sheets,...)
    - SEO
    - Hand in hand decisions with In Country teams (marketing,...) on terminology, Tone of Voice,...
    - Quality Assurance
    - Terminology clean-up and update
    - Centrally driven translation guidelines
    - Style Guide creation and regular update
    - Occasional translation into country language when required for specific projects
  • Health Partners International - Freelance Translator English/French

    2015 - maintenant Translations: executive summaries, calls for tender, organization presentation, consortium meeting minutes, presentations of the various members, project overviews, strategic approach

    Fields: routine immunization, women's empowerment, health systems, equity, maternal, newborn and child health
  • Donnelley Language Solutions and SDL MultiTrans - Freelance Translator English/French

    2015 - maintenant
  • HighTech Passport, Ltd. - Freelance Translator/Editor English/French

    2014 - maintenant Translations: privacy policies, non-disclosure agreements, terms of use, cookies policies, content policies, Privacy Notices

    Fields: legal, marketing, surveying, IT

    Organizations: Sony, Mozilla, Survey Monkey, Talend
  • LanguageWire - Freelance Translator English/French

    2014 - maintenant Translations: websites/online store/e-commerce , datasheets, technical brochures, product descriptions, sales presentations, product presentations, safety details, how to guides

    Fields: luxurious goods, clothing, abrasives, laws and regulations, compliance, quality, furniture and accessories

    Organizations: Stokke, Daniel Wellington, VSM Abrasives, Leica Geosystems
  • Strategic Agenda - Freelance Translator English/French

    2013 - maintenant Translations: strategic plans, Africa progress reports, resources for comprehensive sexuality education programs, strategic plans, action programs, progress reports, action programs, community action reports, policies, advocacy reports, MENA HIV Booklet, Medicine Prices, Good Governance, for Medecines program

    Fields: medical, sexual education, healthcare, fighting stigmatization and marginalization, sexual and reproductive health and rights, human rights, maternal health, gender equality, reproductive health, maternal, newborn and child health, FGM/C elimination, governance, MDGs, SDGs, public health, international development

    Organizations: The World Bank, the UNICEF, UNFPA, UN WOMEN, Africa Progress Panel, USAID, UNDP, WHO, World Fund
  • Technicis - Freelance Proofreader Englih/French

    Boulogne Billancourt 2013 - 2016 Proofreadings: reports, market studies, internal communications, performance measurement, press releases...

    Fields: luxury industry, communication and entertainment, industrial manufacturing controls, watchmaking, international transport, freight.
  • Spirit France - Freelance Translator

    2012 - 2015 Translations: HACCP, product labels, export documents

    Fields: quality (HACCP), spirits, EU standards, safety regulations
  • Welocalize - Freelance Translator/Editor English/French

    Frederick 2012 - maintenant Translations: clinical trials, clinical study protocols, medical reports, recruiting of subjects, medical reports, United Nations Foundation website, support to fragile and conflict-affected states, progress reports, GDPR, clinical protocols, protocols amendments, Committee submissions, clinical trials agreements, Statements of Work, Investing in adolescent girls, Every Woman Every child, Preventing Malaria Deaths, Measles & Rubella Initiative

    Fields: medical, terminology and acronyms in health and development, education, financial, global health, legal...

    Organizations: World partnership for the education, Foundation of United Nations, KPMG, Bayer, INC Research, Covance, Otsuka, World Bank Group, UN Foundation...
  • Turner (Turner Broadcasting System, Inc) - Freelance Translator English/French

    2011 - maintenant Translations: video games, cartoon, SEO

    Fields: Kids entertainment, videos games, SEO
  • JR Language Translation Services Inc. (New York, U.S.A.) - Traductrice Free Lance Anglais/Français

    2010 - maintenant Translations: medical equipment, codes of ethics, feasibility studies, calls for tender, annual reports, GDPR, standards of conduct, Employee Manuals, Business Continuity Plan, Anti-Trust and Fair Competition Policies, Policies on Insider Trading

    Fields: Fight against the violent extremism, SMART nutrition survey, United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination, Evaluation of Coordination of Emergency Response, micro-finance, legal, healthcare payment solutions, Preparedness & Response, capacity building

    Organizations: Tommy Hilfiger, Soyater, Global Communities, Chemonics, USAID, UNDAC, InstaMed...

    2010 - 2015 Translations (for the various Canadian federal departments and agencies): reports, minutes of proceedings, studies

    Fields: First Nations recommendations, Canadian forces, Treasury Board, Criminology Unit, various Canadian departments.
  • META (Medicines Transparency Alliance) - Freelance Translator English/French

    2010 - 2010 Fields: Pharmaceutical sector, medicine, transparency
  • MeTA (Medecine Transparency Alliance, Health Partners International, United Kingdom) - Freelance Translator English/French

    2010 - maintenant
  • Internationa HIV/AIDS Alliance - Freelance Translator English/French

    2007 - maintenant Translations (for the headquarters and linking organizations): strategic plans, annual reports, political briefings, toolkits, funding proposals and strategic frameworks, Centers of practice's challenges and lessons learned, ICASA reports, policies, advocacy reports, governance report, HIV Booklet, epidemiological reports,

    Fields: fight against AIDS, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, governance, universal access to treatments, young children and HIV, stigmatization and discrimination, civil society mobilization and engagement, best practices, HIV, AIDS, health and rights, human rights, healthcare, maternal health, gender equality, women empowerment, governance, MDGs, SDGs, capacity building, public health, international development

    Organizations: IHAA, DFID, UNICEF, The World Bank, Africa Progress Panel, WHO, The Global fund, UNAIDS, USAID...
  • Brocéliande- ALH (groupe UNICOPA, agribusiness) - Export Manager

    2005 - 2008



Annuaire des membres :