
Augustin ARTRU


En résumé

Carrefour Group Internal Audit Department is in charge of reviewing both the reliability of the financial statements and the level of internal control on operational processes. Deeply understanding those aspects gave me a very complete overview of the retail sector and more specifically of Carrefour activities.
Working for more than three years in this Department, I got the opportunity to gradually take more responsibilities and improve my interpersonal and management skills by supervising teams of several auditors and being in charge of the relationship with ComEx members from various countries.
After my studies abroad (UK) it was actually important for me to keep working in an international environment which I did by performing assignments in several countries and supervising teams of various cultural background both in Paris and Shanghai offices.


  • Carrefour Group - Team Leader - Group Internal Audit Department - Shanghai Office (Expatriate)

    Massy 2011 - maintenant Business Units (Nb of audit assignments): China (2), Indonesia (1), Singapore (1)

    Subjects addressed: Financial Statements (assets, sales, suppliers, stocks, shopping Malls, human resources, reserve for contingencies..), Merchandise (negotiation, assortment), Private Label Management…

    Main responsibilities: in charge of the complete assignment from preparation to closing which implies defining the audit assignment scope, supervising a team from 3 to 7 auditors (mainly Chinese auditors), managing the relationship with the main process owners (ComEx members), presenting the synthetic conclusions and preparing the final report.

    Specific responsibilities: in charge of recruitment process and audit methodology implementation, best practice support, team training on Carrefour accounting and business reporting tools as well as Internal Audit data analysis tool (ACL).
  • Carrefour Group - Senior Auditor - Group Internal Audit Department - Paris Office

    Massy 2010 - 2011 Business Units (Nb of audit assignments): France (1), Greece (1), Argentina (1), Poland (1)

    Subjects addressed: Financial Statements (Suppliers, Stocks), Merchandise (negotiation, assortment), Ethics…

    Main responsibilities: in charge of several processes of the assignment which implies supervising a team of 3 to 5 auditors (French and Latin American), defining the working programs, managing the relationship with the various process owners (mainly ComEx members), presenting the main conclusions and preparing the final report on the process covered.

    Specific responsibilities: implementation of a global transversal scorecard for the follow-up of standard indicators aiming at comparing Carrefour Countries.
  • Carrefour Group - Internal Auditor - Group Internal Audit Department - Paris Office

    Massy 2008 - 2010 Business Units (Nb of audit assignments): France (4), Italy (2), Belgium (1), Poland (1), Greece (1), Taiwan (1)

    Subject addressed: Supply Chain, Stocks, Expansion, Treasury, Rebates, Private Label Management, Franchise…

    Main responsibilities: in charge of the study of one specific cycle which implies understanding the process internal control, requesting and analyzing documents, preparing samples and performing tests, presenting the corresponding conclusions to the auditees.
  • Carrefour Systèmes d'Informations France - Consultant interne

    Massy 2007 - 2008



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