


En résumé

Consultant IT Java depuis 7 ans, j'évolue dans le secteur bancaire depuis maintenant 3 ans. Je suis actuellement en poste sur Bruxelles chez Petercam (broker et banque privée).
Package: Murex, Calypso, Sophis, Thaler, Eximius, Keydata, Oasys.

Mes compétences :


  • Intégration de packages bancaires chez Petercam - Consultant IT Finance

    2009 - 2010 Sophis, Oasys, KeyData, Eximius, Thaler
  • Team Trade - Consultant

    Paris 2007 - maintenant Support Murex pour Fiat (6 mois)
    Intégration Calypso pour Fortis (20 mois)
  • Ippon Technologies - Consultant

    Paris 2004 - 2006 Since June 2006: Mission for Fimasys (www.fimasys.fr) as J2EE expert, for the revolving department.
    Technical environment: Eclipse Lomboz, Weblogic 8.1, JBoss 4, Websphere, EJB, Maven, Oracle, CVS, Buzilla.

    Apr. 2006 – May 2006: Contribution to the web portal of Gaz de France (www.gazdefrance.com), This huge project
    (150 people), leaded by Accenture, consisted of migrating the whole information system from SAP to J2EE/Oracle
    technology, and of developing some web portal's components (Including the BEA content repository).
    Technical environment: Workshop 8.1, Weblogic Portal 8.1, Oracle, BEA CmsTool, CVS, Test Director.

    Dec. 2005 – March 2006: Conception and realization of a web portal for Ippon Technologies (www.ippon.fr), in order
    for the French General Delegation for Armament (www.defense.gouv.fr/dga/) to propose a secure network to its partners (Dassault, Thalès...). The project consisted of setting up a complete development framework for a team of 5
    people, and of developing some web portal's components (Including a content repository, a task manager, a member
    Technical environment: Eclipse WTP 1.0, Weblogic 8.1 Liferay 3.6.1, Appfuse 1.8.2, Hibernate 3.0, Spring 1.2, Oracle,
    Subversion, Junit, OpenLDAP.

    Oct. 2004 – Nov 2005: Conception and realization of a portal dedicated to sport clubs' management. Worked as lead
    Engineer for the translation of a specification report into use cases, activity and classes diagrams. Coordinated team
    tasks, set up the development framework (including unit tests, deployment procedures, n­tiers design). Involved in
    contracts issues, as weel as both in marketing and commercial processes. The project is actually deployed and used
    by customers: www.stadup.com
    Technical environment: Eclipse 3.0, Tomcat, 5.0, Liferay 3.2.0, Appfuse 1.7, Hibernate 2.1, Spring 1.1, MySQL 4.11, CVS, Junit.

    Oct. 2003 – Juillet 2004: 9 months placement at Infoparc (www.infoparc.fr), an French editor specialized in car management software. Position of programmer in a team of 8 persons to work on the SIP2 project. In particular
    development of a import engine to allow customer to inject their data into our solution, using some XML templates.
    Technical environment: Jbuilder X, Jonas 4, Weblogic 6.1, SQL Server, SourceSafe.



Annuaire des membres :