Mes compétences :
Chef de projet
Développement réseau
Étude et Développement
European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
- Senior Softwar Egineer
2008 - maintenantIn charge of mainly production cycle of UniProt (
This consist to :
- Maintain existing cycle mainly writen in Bash, Makefile, PERL, PLSQL, JAVA and C++.
- Modify process to include / replace part of process.
- Take care of all production schedule and dead lines to release a new version of UniProt every 3 weeks.
In particularly involved in cross reference processing :
- Take active part of consortium discussion about why and how add new external database as cross reference of UniProt.
- Take care of data quality provide by external database provider
- Update every cross reference needs to be in each release
- Give feed back to provider on the data quality provide / include / skip into the release.
This job need a big dose of general viewing, main part of synthesis means and a zest of diplomacy.