
Camille ANEX


En résumé

Ingénieure Projet Environnement et Déchets à l'International :

Camille est diplômée depuis 2009 de l'Ecole des Mines de Nantes avec un diplôme d'Ingénieur Généraliste, option Génie de l'Environnement.

Depuis, elle a travaillé comme ingénieur en environnement et déchets sur plusieurs projets internationaux.

Son expérience comprend :
- Supervision environnementale (projets miniers, et Oil & Gaz)
- Collecte et traitement des déchets solides
- Études d'impact environnemental et social
- Suivi Environnemental

Mes compétences :
Gestion des déchets
Eau et assainissement
Gestion de projet


  • Erm - Senior Consultant

    2018 - maintenant
  • Total - Environmental Supervisor for Seismic Exploration Project

    COURBEVOIE 2013 - 2013
  • BHP Billiton - Environmental Management Consultant on mining project in Guinea

    London 2011 - 2012 Client: SMFG (BHP Billiton & Newmont)
    Setting up the Environmental Management System. The job includes:
    - drafting plans and procedures for:
    • Waste Management;
    • Waste Water Management;
    • Environmental Monitoring;
    • Environmental Inspections;
    • Hydrocarbon Management, etc.
    - Managing a team of technicians and workers
    - Proposing technical solutions to reach environmental compliance
    - Ensuring that environment is taken into account in site development and activities
  • Antea Group - Environmental Engineer ­- Waste

    Olivet 2010 - 2018 Antea is a major French Environmental Consultancy dealing with water, waste, infrastructures, industrial risks and Contaminated sites.

  • Anteagroup - Junior Expat for Waste Management Project in Kenya

    Olivet 2010 - 2010 Key Responsibilities
    · Sole permanent representative of the firm in Kenya.
    · Liaison with the Client (Ministry of Local Government and Municipal Council), the partner and the different stakeholders
    · Tasks involved:
    * Evaluation of baseline conditions
    * Projections of waste production for the planning period of 20 years
    * Development of Options for Integrated Solid Waste Management
    * Participation in technical designs for the Closure of dumpsite & management of leachate
    * Implementation of EIA Studies according to Kenyan Standards
    * and involvement in Socio-Economical assessment
    * Review and input for supporting reports and studies
    * Organisation and supervision of Geotechnical surveys
    * Participation in technical designs of a sanitary Landfill and transfer station

    Key achievements
    * Produced Key deliverables for the project
    * Ensured harmonisation of the work between France and Kenya
    * Organised meetings and conferences with the Public and the main Stakeholders at different stages of the mission
    * Developed confidence in working both with client and partners of different backgrounds and cultures
  • Dauchez Payet - Environmental Engineer ­ - Final Internship

    PARIS 2009 - 2009 DP is a young Environmental Consultancy providing assistance & advices to contractors and Building companies, in particular for Warehouses.

    Key Responsibilities
     Consultant for GAZELEY to set up the Environmental Certification (HQE) of a new warehouse in Western France
     Analysis of energy performances of new and renovated building
     Carbon Footprint of a new Building
     Environmental Impact of a new Office Building / Life Cycle analysis of the building materials

    Key achievements
     Work in autonomy
     Direct contact with the client and partners – presentation of the studies and their results
     Participation in meetings related to the design of the facilities – inputs related to environmental certification


  • Swansea University Of Wales (Swansea)

    Swansea 2007 - 2008 Environment

    Erasmus Year and Research project

    Chemical and Bioprocesses Engineering
  • Ecole Des Mines

    Nantes 2005 - 2009 Génie de l'Environnement

    Environmental Engineering - Treatment Processes
  • Lycée Chateaubriand

    Rennes 2004 - 2005 PCSI - Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'Ingénieur
  • Lycée Clemenceau

    Nantes 2001 - 2004 Secondary School - Sciences

    main subjects : Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
    Basic modules : English, German, History, Geography, French, Philosophy
    Optionnal subjects : Economics, Greek


Annuaire des membres :