
Christian JUILLARD


En résumé

Oil and gas Project Manager
For medium large scale project

Mes compétences :
Project Management


  • PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricator - Project Manager

    2012 - maintenant Project Director Yadana Subsidence Project
    Contractor representative for :
    EPSCC1 Package construction of new flare (flaring started 06/03/2012), bridge, and new living quartier ( jacket 2700MT MSF 3000MT) Size 100MUSD
    EPSC2 relocation of equipment located on wellhead and compression platform to secure flied exploitation with platform subsidence 50MUSD
    OCSU Obsolete Control System Upgrade a 20MUSD package
    Main duty
    - Project and team management (all package ) around 900 people + subcontractors
    - Budget forecast and control
    - Package Planning and coordination
    - Reporting to Board of directors/ shareholder
    - Interface with final client in Myanmar
    - Management of changes
  • Epalmo For TOTAL EP Angola - Project Service Leader

    2010 - 2011 - Planning, Reporting, Cost Control, Contract Management and Personnel Management.
    - support to project teams in any contractual issues, such as contract amendments, claims, and disputes.
    - Assist on preparation of contractual exhibit/scope related to planning and reporting.
    - Organize and carry out budget preparation of the project and assist cost control of ITV to prepare budget of ITV.
  • SNEF - Project Manager

    2010 - 2012 Anguille Project manager
    - Project and team management
    - Planning, Reporting, Cost Control, and Contract Management.
    - Organize and carry out budget preparation and control of the project
    - Planning
    - Interface with client
  • Addax Petroleum - Project engineer

    Geneva 2008 - 2010 - Project definition
    - Management of Design contractor
    - Invitation to tender
    - Site construction activities management
    - Follow and report construction progress
  • Petrogas - Chargé d'affaires

    2004 - 2008 Chargé d'affaires, TOTAL GABON

    Responsabilité de travaux d’amélioration et/ou de remise en état des installations de production

    Supervision des études
    Établissement des appels d’offres matériel
    Passation des marchés de travaux
    Encadrement des superviseurs de chantiers
    Réception des travaux
    Dossier de fin d’affaires
    Cost control



Annuaire des membres :