
Christian LAMBERT


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
GoldMine CRM
preventative and curative maintenance
Full maintenance
pumps maintenance
Civil Engineering
Rotating Equipment
Power Stations
Air Compressors
Water Treatment
Gas Lift
Oil & Gas
preventive and curative maintenance of generators
site monitoring
supervision of installation and inspection
Gas Turbines
Nuclear Plant
technical assistance
the running
Bug Tracking System
Data Processing
Microsoft Project
Metal Mining > Gold Mining
Installation and Commissioning
Gas Compressors
Combined Heat & Power
Pressure Testing
Siemens Hardware



    2020 - maintenant Superintendent for preventive and corrective maintenance at an oil and gas production site and two other gas distribution sites.
    Management of 27 people.
    Gaz engines Caterpillar 3516-3412-398.
    Diesel engines Caterpillar 3406-C15.
    Diesel engines Perkins series 1300-400, Deutz et John Deere.
    Gas compressors GE.
    Air compressors Atlas Copco ZT75.
    Pumps Milton Roy- Patterson-Viking-Sundyne-Prominent-Met Pro-Century.
  • General Electric - Mechanical supervisorTayshet Siberia

    Paris 2019 - 2019 Supervisor installation of 14 electric rectifiers, to supply energy to an aluminum smelter.
    Control of the equipment delivered, the various measures of civil engineering, the installation of air coolers and electrical connections.
    Weekly reporting.
    Management of workers up to 50 workers
  • General Electric - Aluminium smelter

    Paris 2019 - 2019 General electric Aluminium smelter
    Supervisor installation of 14 electric rectifiers, to supply energy to an aluminum smelter.
    Control of the equipment delivered, the various measures of civil engineering, the installation of air coolers and electrical connections.
    Weekly reporting.
    Management of workers up to 50 workers

    Paris 2019 - 2019 Supervisor installation of 14 electric rectifiers, to supply energy to an aluminum smelter.
    Control of the equipment delivered, the various measures of civil engineering, the installation of air coolers and electrical connections.
    Weekly reporting.
    Management of workers up to 50 workers
  • Ressources Robex Inc. - Mechanical superintendent Mali

    Québec City 2017 - 2019 Mechanical superintendent for preventative and curative maintenance of 6 Doosan D700KVA diesel generators, 2 Mitsubishi T1650KVA, 2 Mitsubishi T2200 KVA, 1 Mitsubishi T1900KVA (installation and mechanical commissioning) and 6 mobiles 130 KVA generators.
    Full maintenance on 1 Mitsubishi T1650 and maintenance 8000 hours on another Mitsubishi T1650.
    Godwin CD150M and HL100 pumps maintenance.
    Creation of mechanical workshop for the maintenance engines.
    Training of local mechanic staff.
  • Ressources Robex Inc. - Mechanical superintendent

    Québec City 2017 - 2019 ROBEX Gold mine
    Mechanical superintendent for preventative and curative maintenance of 6 Doosan D700KVA
    diesel generators, 2 Mitsubishi T1650KVA, 2 Mitsubishi T2200 KVA, 1 Mitsubishi T1900KVA
    (installation and mechanical commissioning) and 6 mobiles 130 KVA generators.

    Full maintenance on 1 Mitsubishi T1650 and maintenance 8000 hours on another Mitsubishi

    Godwin CD150M and HL100 pumps maintenance.

    Creation of mechanical workshop for the maintenance engines.
  • Ressources Robex Inc. - Mechanical superintendent

    Québec City 2017 - 2019 Mechanical superintendent for preventative and curative maintenance of 6 Doosan D700KVA diesel generators, 2 Mitsubishi T1650KVA, 1 Mitsubishi T2200 KVA (installation and mechanical commissioning) and 6 mobiles 130 KVA generators.
    Full maintenance on 1 Mitsubishi T1650 and maintenance 8000 hours on another Mitsubishi T1650.
    Creation of mechanical workshop for the maintenance engines.
    Training of local mechanic staff.
  • Ressources Robex Inc. - Mechanical superintendent

    Québec City 2017 - 2019 ROBEX Gold mine
    Mechanical superintendent for preventative and curative maintenance of 6 Doosan D700KVA
    diesel generators, 2 Mitsubishi T1650KVA, 2 Mitsubishi T2200 KVA, 1 Mitsubishi T1900KVA
    (installation and mechanical commissioning) and 6 mobiles 130 KVA generators.

    Full maintenance on 1 Mitsubishi T1650 and maintenance 8000 hours on another Mitsubishi

    Godwin CD150M and HL100 pumps maintenance.

    Creation of mechanical workshop for the maintenance engines.
  • Ja Delmas, Concessionnaire Caterpillar - Site manager Mali

    Bordeaux 2016 - 2017 Site manager for the construction of a power plant 50MW for supplying power to the mining equipment.
    Managment of 140 workers,
    Engines CATERPILLAR 3516 et 16CM32.
    Centrifuges ALFA LAVAL.
    Pumps SPX.

    Bordeaux 2016 - 2017 Mission au Mali comme chef de site sur la mine d’or de Fekola pour la construction d’une centrale électrique de 50 MW pour alimenter électriquement les équipements d’extraction.
    Gestion de 140 personnes.
    Moteurs CATERPILLAR 3516 et 16CM32.
    Centrifugeuses ALFA LAVAL.
    Pompes SPX.
  • Ja Delmas, Concessionnaire Caterpillar - SITE MANAGER

    Bordeaux 2016 - 2017 JA DELMAS Gold mine
    Site manager for the construction of a power plant 50MW for supplying power to the mining equipment.

    Managment of 140 workers,

    Engines CATERPILLAR 3516 et 16CM32.
    Centrifuges ALFA LAVAL.
    Pumps SPX.
  • Ja Delmas, Concessionnaire Caterpillar - SITE MANAGER

    Bordeaux 2016 - 2017 JA DELMAS Gold mine
    Site manager for the construction of a power plant 50MW for supplying power to the mining equipment.

    Managment of 140 workers,

    Engines CATERPILLAR 3516 et 16CM32.
    Centrifuges ALFA LAVAL.
    Pumps SPX.

    Paris La Défense 2015 - 2016 Mission a Abu Dhabi, comme technicien conseil mecanique pour l`installation de toutes les machines tournantes, sur la construction d`une station de dessalinisation d`eau de mer d`une production de 130000 M3 jour.
  • DEGREMONT - Mechanical advisor Abu Dhabi

    2015 - 2016 Technical advisor on the mechanical rotating equipment of a desalinization water plant.
    Compressors Blowers: KAESER / AERZEN
    Mixers: XYLEM
    Filters: FLUYTEC
    Penstock: JASH

  • DEGREMONT - Technical advisor

    2015 - 2016 on the mechanical rotating equipment of a desalinization water plant.

    Compressors Blowers: KAESER / AERZEN

    Mixers: XYLEM

    Filters: FLUYTEC

    Penstock: JASH
  • DEGREMONT - Technical advisor

    2015 - 2016 on the mechanical rotating equipment of a desalinization water plant.

    Compressors Blowers: KAESER / AERZEN

    Mixers: XYLEM

    Filters: FLUYTEC

    Penstock: JASH
  • DEGREMONT - Mechanical engineer

    2014 - 2015 DEGREMONT Water treatment
    on the construction of a water treatment station, responsible of the hydraulic turbines FRANCIS and generators groups co- generation (bio-gas and fuel) CATERPILLAR 3516, control equipment before transfer on site monitoring and inspection procedures installation, supervision of installation and inspection before start and technical expert report.
    Pumps installation: GRUNFOS / SULZER / KSB.
    Exchanger: ALFA LAVAL
  • DEGREMONT - Mechanical engineer Amman Jordan

    2014 - 2015 Mechanical engineer on the construction of a water treatment station, responsible of the hydraulic turbines FRANCIS and generators groups co-generation (bio-gas and fuel) CATERPILLAR 3516, control equipment before transfer on site monitoring and inspection procedures installation, supervision of installation and inspection before start and technical expert report.
    Pumps installation: GRUNFOS / SULZER / KSB.
    Exchanger: ALFA LAVAL

  • Degrémont - Ingénieur mécanique

    Paris La Défense 2014 - 2015 : Société DEGREMONT 92500 Rueil Malmaison
    Mission en Jordanie comme ingénieur mécanique sur les équipements mécaniques d'une station de traitement d'eau.
    30/09/214 : Société DEGREMONT 92500 Rueil Malmaison
    Mission en Jordanie comme ingénieur mécanique sur la construction d'une station de traitement d'eau, responsable des turbines hydrauliques FRANCIS et les groupes électrogènes co-génération CATERPILLAR 3516,contrôle des équipements avant leur transfert sur site,contrôle des procédures d'inspection et d'installation,supervision de la mise en place et des contrôle avant démarrage,rédaction de rapport technique d'expertise.
    Installation des pompes : SULZER / GRUNFOS / KSB
    Installation des echangeurs : ALFA LAVAL
  • DEGREMONT - Mechanical engineer

    2014 - 2015 DEGREMONT Water treatment
    on the construction of a water treatment station, responsible of the hydraulic turbines FRANCIS and generators groups co- generation (bio-gas and fuel) CATERPILLAR 3516, control equipment before transfer on site monitoring and inspection procedures installation, supervision of installation and inspection before start and technical expert report.
    Pumps installation: GRUNFOS / SULZER / KSB.
    Exchanger: ALFA LAVAL
  • Spie - Mechanical supervisor Port Harcourt Nigeria

    Cergy 2014 - 2014 Mechanical inspection on rotating equipment in Port Harcourt, Nigeria on oil rig ODP1.
    2 Gas lift compressors ARIEL
    1 emergency generator CATERPILLAR
    2 air conditioning unit CARRIER
    2 gas turbines Solar
    Several pumps
    Air compressors


    Cergy 2014 - 2014 SPIE Oil and gas
    Mechanical inspection on rotating equipment in Port Harcourt, Nigeria on oil rig ODP1.
    2 Gas lift compressors ARIEL

    1 emergency generator CATERPILLAR

    2 air conditioning unit CARRIER

    2 gas turbines Solar

    Several pumps

    Air compressors

  • SPIE - Superviseur mecanique

    Cergy 2014 - 2014 Mission d'inspection mécanique sur les équipements rotatifs à Port Harcourt au Nigéria sur plateforme pétrolière ODP1.
    Mission d'inspection mécanique sur les équipements rotatifs à Port Harcourt au Nigéria sur plateforme pétrolière ODP1.
    Compresseurs de gas lift,groupe électrogène de secours,unité de conditionnement d'air,turbines à gas,pompes,compresseurs d'air,ventilateurs.
    2 compresseurs gas lift ARIEL
    1 groupe électrogène de secours CATERPILLAR
    2 unités de conditionnement d'air CARRIER
    2 turbines à gaz Solar
    Diverses pumps
    Compreseurs d'air


    Cergy 2014 - 2014 SPIE Oil and gas
    Mechanical inspection on rotating equipment in Port Harcourt, Nigeria on oil rig ODP1.
    2 Gas lift compressors ARIEL

    1 emergency generator CATERPILLAR

    2 air conditioning unit CARRIER

    2 gas turbines Solar

    Several pumps

    Air compressors

  • GEOCEAN - Mechanical engineer

    2013 - 2014 First mechanical engineer on a barge laying pipe to perform various mechanical modifications, for `preventive and curative maintenance of generators CUMMINS and MITSUBITSHI, various pumps, fire pump unit, hydrophor freshwater and seawater, air compressors ATLAS COPCO, fixed and mobile hydraulic cranes (SKK 520T) and MANITOWOK, chilled, water makers, and winches.
    Management of seven mechanics and two second mechanical engineer.
  • GEOCEAN - Mechanical engineer

    2013 - 2014 First mechanical engineer on a barge laying pipe to perform various mechanical modifications, for `preventive and curative maintenance of generators CUMMINS and MITSUBITSHI, various pumps, fire pump unit, hydrophor freshwater and seawater, air compressors ATLAS COPCO, fixed and mobile hydraulic cranes (SKK 520T) and MANITOWOK, chilled, water makers, and winches.
    Management of seven mechanics and two second mechanical engineer.
  • Geocean - First mechanical engineer

    2013 - 2014 : Mission à Singapour puis au Benin comme first mechanical engineer sur une barge de pose de pipe.Nom : PROTIS
    Mission à Singapour sur une barge de pose de pipe pour effectuer diverses modifications mécaniques, puis au Benin, pour l`entretien préventif et curatif des groupes électrogènes cumins et mitsubitshi, diverses pompes, groupe moto pompe incendie, hydrophores eau douce et eau de mer, des compresseurs d'air atlas copco, de grue hydraulique mobile MANITOWOK et fixe (SKK 520t),des treuils, des osmoseurs,des unités de vivre et conditionnement d'air et de toutes installations relatives à la mécanique.
    Management de 7 mécaniciens et de 2 second mechanical engineer.
  • Geocean - First mechanical engineer Singapore

    2013 - 2014 First mechanical engineer on a barge laying pipe to perform various mechanical modifications, for `preventive and curative maintenance of generators CUMMINS and MITSUBITSHI, various pumps, fire pump unit, hydrophor freshwater and seawater, air compressors ATLAS COPCO, fixed and mobile hydraulic cranes (SKK 520T) and MANITOWOK, chilled, water makers, and winches.
    Management of seven mechanics and two second mechanical engineer.

    Management de 7 mécaniciens et de deux ingénieurs électrique.
  • ALSTOM - Mechanical supervisor China

    2011 - 2013 Mechanical supervisor of implementation of generators MAN of relief on the construction of nuclear power plant, recovery of ISO, pressure test and flushing, technical assistance.
  • Alstom Power - Mechanical supervisor

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2011 - 2013 Mission in China for the mechanical supervision of implementation of generators MAN of relief on the construction of nuclear power plant, recovery of ISO, technical assistance.
  • Alstom Power - Superviseur mecanique

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2011 - 2013 Mission en Chine pour la supervision mécanique de mise en place des groupes électrogènes de secours sur la construction de centrale nucléaire, reprise des ISO, assistance et expertise technique mécanique et supervision du montage piping.
    Mission en Chine pour la supervision mécanique de mise en place des groupes électrogènes de secours MAN sur la construction de centrale nucléaire, reprise des ISO, assistance technique mécanique.
  • Alstom Power - Mechanical supervisor

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2011 - 2013 ALSTOM Nuclear
    Mechanical supervisor of implementation of generators MAN of relief on the construction of nuclear power plant, recovery of ISO, pressure test and flushing, technical assistance.
  • Alstom Power - Mechanical supervisor

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2011 - 2013 ALSTOM Nuclear
    Mechanical supervisor of implementation of generators MAN of relief on the construction of nuclear power plant, recovery of ISO, pressure test and flushing, technical assistance.

    Paris 2011 - 2011 Mission as mechanical supervisor for the construction of a plant storage and compression of gas, reception and control compliance material, planning and monitoring of mounting equipment, update of the plans of the equipment, control equipment by subcontractors of the establishment.
    Use of the SFP/WDVS software
  • Foster Wheeler - Superviseur mecanique

    Paris 2011 - 2011 Mission sur site de stockage et de compression de gaz à Beynes France comme superviseur mécanique.
    : Société FOSTER mécanique, pour la construction d'une usine de stockage et de compression de gaz, réception et contrôle conformité du matériel, planification et suivi du montage des équipements, mise à jour des plans des équipements, contrôle de la mise en place des équipements par les sous-traitants.
    Utilisation du logiciel SFP/WDVS.
  • Foster Wheeler - Mechanical supervisor France

    Paris 2011 - 2011 Mechanical supervisor for the construction of a plant storage and compression of gas, reception and control compliance material, planning and monitoring of mounting equipment, update of the plans of the equipment, control equipment by subcontractors of the establishment.
    Use of the SFP/WDVS software.
  • Degrémont - Superviseur mecanique

    Paris La Défense 2010 - 2011 : Société DEGREMONT 92500 Rueil Malmaison
    sur station d'eau potable comme superviseur montage et mise en service.
    Mission au Kazakhstan comme superviseur montage mécanique, pour la mise en fonction de 6 pompes FLYGT dans une station d'eau potable. Management de 7 personnes. Rapport journalier au chargé d'affaire.

    Paris La Défense 2010 - 2011 Mission in Kazakhstan as supervisor mechanical pump mounting, for release on 6 pump station of potable water. Management of 7 persons. Daily report to the regional case officer.
  • Astana - Mechanical supervisor Astana Kazakhstan

    2010 - 2011 Mechanical supervisor for pump mounting, for release on 6 pumps FLYGT station of potable water.
    Management of 7 persons. Daily report to the regional case officer.


    Winterthur 2010 - 2010 04/05/2010-13/05/2010: Commissioning aligment mechanic for 10 pumps (sulzer), engines (Siemens) in Honaine Algeria.
    17/05/2010-07/06/2010: Commissioning aligment mechanic and install for one line pump (sulzer),engine and coupler (nerpic) in Martigues France.
    13/06/2010-04/07/2010: Commissioning mechanic aligment for pump at Honaine Algerian phase second, then alignment 2 vertical pumps at Arzew Algeria.
  • Sulzer - Ingénieur Commissioning

    Winterthur 2010 - 2010 04/05/2010-13/05/2010 et 13/06/2010-04/07/2010 : Ingénieur Commissioning pour le lignage des pompes dans une usine de dessalement d'eau de mer en Algérie (Honaine et Arzew).
  • Sulzer - Mechanical supervisor Honaine Algeria

    Winterthur 2010 - 2010 04/05/2010-13/05/2010: Commissioning alignment mechanic for 10 pumps SULZER, motors (Siemens) in Honaine Algeria.
    17/05/2010-07/06/2010: Commissioning alignment mechanic and install for one line pump SULZER, engine and coupler NERPIC in Martigues France.
    13/06/2010-04/07/2010: Commissioning mechanic alignment for pump at Honaine Algerian phase second, then alignment 2 vertical pumps SULZER at Arzew Algeria.
  • f de ré - Head workshop Kourou French guyana

    2009 - 2010 Head workshop trucks MAN and management for five persons in French Guyana,
    Substitute the boss when he is going off holidays (several months by year).

    Chelles Cedex 2009 - 2010 Head workshop trucks (Man) and management for five persons.
    Substitute the boss when he is going off holidays (several months by year).
  • Francis de re - Chef d'atelier

    2009 - 2010 : société FRANCIS mécanique poids lourd et maintenance industriel.
    mécanique poids lourd (moteurs Man) et maintenance
    industrielle (centre spatial guyanais) responsable de 5 mécaniciens.
    Remplacement régulier du directeur (4 mois sur 6).
    Gestion des stocks et des commandes.
    Gestion kilométriques des poids lourds et des véhicules légers.
  • Kapi AGME - Senior maintenance manager

    2008 - 2009 Senior maintenance manager in Kosovo and Lebanon for generators diesel.

  • Kapi agme - Responsable technique

    2008 - 2009 :Société KAPIAGME 95140 Garges les Gonesse
    mécanique et responsable personnel au Liban et au Kosovo pour l'armée française. UNITED NATION

    Baillet-en-France 2008 - 2009 Senior maintenance manager in Kosovo and Libanon for generators diesel.
    Engines Volvo, Cummins, Perkins.
  • Dietsmann - Mechanical supervisor Gabon

    Monaco 2006 - 2007 Mechanical supervisor in Gabon.
    Responsible of four mechanics.
    Running and maintenance of 4 gas engines
    3 diesel engines:
    1 CATERPILLAR 3412.
    2 CATERPILLAR 3406.
    Maintenance of gas lift compressor ARIEL.
    Maintenance air compressor: ERVOR / ATLA COPCO / LUCHARD.
    Utilisation GMAO: UNISUP

    Monaco 2006 - 2007 supervisor mechanical at Dietsmann society to the Gabon. Responsible of four mechanics.
    Running and maintenance of gas engines Caterpillar 3512, 3406 and one 3412 diesel engine (electrogen group).
    Maintenance of gas lift compressor ARIEL, pump GASO (chap NATIONAL) GUINARD, TEXTEAM and KSB.
    Utilisation GMAO: UNISUP

  • Dietsmann - Superviseur mecanique

    Monaco 2006 - 2007 Employé comme superviseur mécanique sur un site pétrolier au Gabon.
    Entretien et maintenance des moteurs gaz Caterpillar, des pompes de réinjection d'eau, des compresseurs d'air, du compresseur gaz lift, du groupe électrogène diésel de secours et de toutes installations relative à la mécanique.
    Management de 4 mécaniciens locaux.
    4 groupes électrogènes gas CATERPILLAR:3512
    3 moteurs diesel:
    1 CATERPILLAR 3412.
    2 CATERPILLAR 3406.
    1 compresseur ARIEL.
    Compresseurs d'air: ERVOR / ATLA COPCO / LUCHARD

    Utilisation du logiciel UNISUP pour la GMAO.
  • SFDM - Mecanicien

    Paris 2006 - 2006 Seul mécanicien diéséliste et de maintenance dans un dépôt d’hydrocarbure.
    Entretien des pompes Guinard, Sihi, Berkley, Mollard, Imo, Moineau, Rateau. Worthington de type double étage ou à piston ou à vis ou auto amorçante ou à engrenages.
    Ces pompes sont centrifuges ou volumétrique.
    Entretien des accouplements flexibox.
    Entretien des compresseurs ervor et luchard.
    Entretien des moto- pompes incendie RVI pompes Guinard.
    Entretien des groupes électrogènes V12 MGO.
    Entretien des moteurs V12 MGO et des multiplicateurs.
    Entretien des robinets Mapegaz et des vannes Rotork.

    Paris 2006 - 2006 Mechanic for petrol station and diesel engine MGO, POYAUD,RENAULD and pump GUINARD, BERKLEY, KSB, MOINEAU and compressor LUCHARD


    2003 - 2005 Mechanic for a fleet of numerous boats of all sizes and ypes
    Engines: Mercedes, Volvo, Man, Detroit diesel, Caterpillar, Nani diesel, Mercury.
  • Société ABYS - Antibes Employé & mécanicien

    2003 - 2005 : Employé comme mécanicien sur des bateaux de plaisance.
    : Mécanicien sur les bateaux de plaisance.
    Mise en place et gestion d'un atelier mécanique.

    1985 - 2003 1986 – 1992: Embarked as a mechanic on various ships under the orders of a superior to take care of the maintenance of the diesel engine, electrogen groups, air compressor at high and low pressure, in France, New Caledonia and in the French part of Polynesia.

     1992 – 1993: Embarked as mechanic responsible for the running and the maintenance of a patrol boat of twelve meters and of a barge of over twenty meters on the site of Murunoa in French Polynesia.

     1994 – 1995: Embarked as mechanic responsible of six persons for the maintenance of electrogen groups of water makers installation, of frigorific system for keeping of goods and air conditionned. Management and stock control of spare parts on computer software.

     1995 – 1996 : Mechanic for control and testing of propulsion engines for frigates in Taiwan for the NAVFCO company.

     1996 – 1999: Embarked mechanic, responsible of six persons for the zell running and maintenance of propulsion engines in France, in persian countries and in East Africa. Management of spare parts stock on computer software.
     1999 – 2002: Embarked as mechanic in French Guyana, responsible of seven persons for the running and maintenance of propulsion engines of electrogen groups, of out of board engines, of frigorific installations of goods, of air conditionned, fire hydrant pumps, water and gazole distribution systems, and of labor for hydraulic crane. Changing regularly of the head of the propulsion energy system. Handling of the renewal of stock for spare parts on computer software.

     2002 – 2003: Mechanic embarked responsible of five persons for the running and maintenance of frigorific systems for goods, of the air conditionned system and of the distribution network of drinkable water and gazole in France and in West Africa. Handling of the renewal of the stock for spare parts on computer software.
  • French navy - Mechanical supervisor

    1985 - 2003 Mechanic
  • Marine Nationale - Mecanicien

    Paris 1985 - 2003 Mecanicien embarque sur divers navires.



Annuaire des membres :