
Christine D'ARBEL


En résumé

Après être devenue pilote commerciale instructeur aux US, je cherche un emploi de pilote n'importe où dans le monde où ma nationalité française ne constitue pas un handicap.

J'ai fait ma formation sur R22 mais possède la qualification R44 qui m'a permis d'effectuer des tours touristiques au-dessus de LA et de Miami avoir après suivi la formation Robinson Safety Training.

J'ai obtenue la transition turbine sur Bell 407 et ai volé sur Cabri.

J'ai une préférence pour la zone comprise entre les deux tropiques, mais me rendrais en Sibérie ou en Alaska si je pouvais me rendre utile dans ces contrées !

Mes compétences :
report writing
operational equipments management
human resources
Sanction procedures implementation
Responsible for the department
Responsible for social report applications
Microsoft Office
Manufacturing Resource Planning
Management training
Implementation of performance indicators and opera
Fixed Wing Aircraft
Customers visits coordination
Change Management
Bell 407 Helicopter
Apple Mac


  • Boatpix - R22 Pilot

    2014 - 2014 Chasing private sailing and power boats to turn around them at 100ft above the water and 100ft in diameter for the co-pilot to take pictures of them.
  • CEDEA - Consultante en organisation à mon compte

    2003 - 2010 A Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie :
    - Conseil en organisation en entreprise
    - Formations en management
    - Coaching de managers
  • FIRST Logistics, Paris CDG France - General Manager

    2000 - 2001 - Organizing the company
    - Hiring, Training, scheduling
    - Managing the 5 executives of the company
    - Maintaining the relationship with the customers
  • FedEx, Paris CDG France - Ramp Operations Manager

    GENNEVILLIERS 1998 - 2000 - Managing 25 to 55 handlers
    - Hiring, training, scheduling,
    - Ensuring feedback and follow-up
    - Woking with Quality to ensure audits success
    - Working with engineers to create additional services
  • AT&T France - Easylink Manager

    Courbevoie 1997 - 1998 - Maintaining customers relationship over EMEA
    - Providing and explaining monthly reports at monthly EMEA meetings
  • AT&T Istel France - Human Resources Information System Project Leader

    1992 - 1998 - HR and Payroll application developper and Project Leader
  • Prisunic - IT Project Leader

    1991 - 1993 Responsible for social report applications;
    - Managing of 2 outsourced programmers;
    - Elaboration and implementation of users training.
  • Federal Pacific Electric of Mexico - Internal Organization

    1990 - 1991 In the global IT migration from IBM to HP, I took in charge following duties:
    - Audit of the organization of different services of the company in 3 plants and a head office;
    - Elaboration of the procedures for the Logistic Center and the Customer Service;
    - Training for the users on Business Management Software;
    - Management of a Mexican Engineer.
  • CGI Informatique - IT Developper

    Casablanca 1990 - 1990 Programmor / Analyst for editing softwares.
  • BG Télématique - Electronic Technician & Quality Specialist

    1989 - 1989 - Reparation of electronic cards for a photographic image-maker;
    - Mounting ranges elaboration for the machine.
  • CARTEL France (telematics server center) - Technico-sale agent

    1988 - 1989 Phone Prospecting and accompaniment of the employer to visit customers.


  • Institut Des Hautes Etudes De La Défense Nationale (Nouméa)

    Nouméa 2007 - 2007
  • European Summer School Of Advanced Management (Aarhus)

    Aarhus 2002 - 2002 International Seminar participating in the Executive Master of Business Administration I was doing.
  • Marseille School Of Management (EUROMED)

    Marseille 2001 - 2002 Executive MBA
  • Paris VIII University

    Paris 1992 - 1993 Master in IT applied to HR
  • USTL

    Montpellier 1984 - 1988 DEUG A

    Scientific and Electronic Diploma of University


Annuaire des membres :