
Clémentine HAVREZ


En résumé

Engineer and researcher in computer sciences, I have had the opportunity to approach various fields as augmented books for smartphones, games and serious gaming, new interactive surfaces and technologies. I designed, developed and corrected softwares and user interfaces taking into account the user experience.
I supervised students, wrote technical documentation and scientific papers and participated in demonstrations of my work.

I took a computer sciences break to be closer to the customer in another field I enjoy: food, and especially tea and coffee! I followed a formation and worked as a waitress in restaurants for some weeks. I then worked in a coffee shop for 6 months, preparing and serving good drinks to happy (I hope so) customers.

Now I would like to join these experiences: computer and new technologies field for the human well-being.
I enjoy problem-solving, challenges, have good communicating skills and love learning.
I would like to keep a component research in my work and possibly keep on writing papers for innovation.

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Silverlight
Microsoft SQL
Microsoft Visual Studio
Programmation objet
Visualisation de données


  • Coffee Makers - Barista

    2015 - 2016 After the formation I worked as Barista in a coffee shop in Lille. This coffee shop proposed quality in terms of products and customer services. I was taught and learned a lot about coffee and how to prepare it. I participated in the regional aeropress championship: I lost ! But it was a very rewarding experience ;-)
    In this kind of jobs we have to be reactive, proactive, efficient, fast. We also have to be patient, understanding and attentive.
    This experience has reinforced this idea I have of myself: I love the customer and want him/her to be satisfied!
  • Laboratoire LAMIH-UMR CNRS 8201 & Play Research Lab - Research and Development Engineer in Human-Machine Interaction

    2013 - 2015 After having worked one year as Study Engineer, the LAMIH proposed me to work in research. The research concerned the design of applications for surfaces interacting with tangible objects (called TUI: Tangible User Interfaces) as interactive tables, especially for Serious Games applications. I studied the design of applications on such interfaces and learn about games, gamification and serious games concepts and philosophy reading existing works and beside experts of these fields.
    I developed a serious game prototype supposed to help students in microbiology to sort correctly their material after a practical class.
    I participated in some demonstrations and in the writting of papers.
    I also supervised computer sciences students in practical classes and for projects.
  • Laboratoire LAMIH-UMR CNRS 8201 - Study Engineer

    2012 - 2013 The objective of the mission was to analyze and develop an environment to evaluate interactive systems (usability and efficiency of tasks) from a PHD work.
    I then had to understand and consider the user interface ergonomy field used in this study and the existing model. I then proposed several possible solutions and updates, and developed the one chosen with the research team, and its documentation.
  • Akka Technologies Lille - Development Engineer

    2011 - 2012 Missions at Thales Communications, Lambersart.

    I was in charge to update and correct existing softaware and their documentations respecting the given specifications.
  • Byook - Tools Development Engineer

    Valenciennes 2009 - 2011 In this startup developping augmenting books for smartphones, I designed and developed internal softwares(C++/Qt/QML) used to design the "byooks" (layout and media ressources). I developed and updated them taking into account the user experience and users' needs.
    I wrote technical documentation and user guide.
    I participated also in the byooks creation testing them and giving ideas.
  • Dassault Systèmes - Internship : Create a Graphical User Interface to navigate in an ontology

    Vélizy-Villacoublay 2009 - 2009 I had to find and create an appropriate Graphical User Interface to navigate within an ontology of biology data (pathways). The technology used was Silverlight (C# / Xaml). This internship broached data visualization and navigation into data issues.
  • Thomson R&D, France - Internship : Development of a Graphical User Interface for a live 3D rendering platform

    2008 - 2008 I initially analyzed third party Graphical User Interfaces such as Maya, 3DS Max to understand how do they work and the structure of their GUI. I then learned the Qt framework to develop (with C++) the new Graphical User Interface of the 3D rendering platform in collaboration with people developping other modules (such as the 3D engine) for compatibility.



    Lille 2015 - 2015 Service en salle

    I have taken a break to learn more about myself. With the constant will to be closer to the customer, I followed a formation in restauration service and had great work experiences. These two fields are not so far from each other (or at least, should not be!): listening to the customer and understanding him/her (needs analysis), making sure he/she always feel comfortable (ergonomy, usability) and h
  • ITESM, Campus Toluca (Almoloya)

    Almoloya 2007 - 2007 Semestre d'études à l'étranger durant mon cursus scolaire à l'UTC
  • Université Compiègne (Compiegne)

    Compiegne 2006 - 2009 Informatique
  • Université Valenciennes ISTV (Valenciennes)

    Valenciennes 2004 - 2006 Deug IUP Informatique
  • Lycée Henri Wallon

    Valenciennes 2001 - 2004 Filière Scientifique option Mathématiques


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