
Cyrille ZIMMER


En résumé

To manage the communication of an organisation not only is to tell the story of the firm, but is to know the environment in order to select the right timing to tell this story, and be able to shoot first if a crisis is emerging.
There is no difference between a communication campaign plan and a military campaign plan, but the means. Both needs to be accurately conceived, timely planned and perfectly executed at all level. And both require that a crisis management plan is prepared at the same time.

Mes compétences :
Management d'équipe de communication
Formation à la communication (média training)
Relations Presse
Conception de campagnes de communication
Communication de crise


  • Ministère de la Défense - Communication manager

    Paris 2006 - maintenant Officier communication du Commandement des forces logistiques terrestres (2007-2009), conseiller communication et porte parole des opérations (Tchad 2008, Mali 2013), chargé de projet de communication (ISAF Afghanistan 2007, Ministère de la Défense 2009-2011, NATO Force Command Heidelberg 2011-2013, Etat-major de l'Armée de Terre depuis 2013)
  • Ministère de la Défense - Officier dans l'arme du Génie

    Paris 1990 - 2006



    Levallois Perret 2006 - 2007 Masters Degree

    Public and Corporate Communication and Lobbying

    Levallois Perret 2006 - 2007 Mastère professionnel Communication publique et corporate


Annuaire des membres :