


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Shell scripting
Application deployment
Application troubleshooting
TIBCO Spotfire Analytics Server
Oracle PL/SQL
Oracle DBA
Jakarta TOMCAT Servlet Engine
Apache WEB Server
Tibco BW


  • BNP Paribas - Tibco Architect

    Paris 2014 - maintenant Project: ESB
    City: Paris

    - Monitoring Hawk on Tibco Systems.
    - Performance and tuning of Tibco applications.Using Jmeter/Tibco Hawk/Tibco Spotfire/Tableau Sofwtware to run performance test and analyze results.
    - Creation of documentation about Performance tools installation/configuration/user guide.
    - Creation of documentation about developpement Tibco best practice .
    - Creation of documentation about review Tibco BW Code and if it respects the best practice .
    - Creation of analysis and technical specification about Framework Tibco Unified for all Tibco systems.
    - Development new Tibco Framework.
    - Migration old BW development to new Tibco Framework.
    - Creation of dashboard about monthly statistics.
    - Technical reference for AMPS CORE project.
    - Code review.
    - Creation of Jenkins jobs to automate building/deploy/delivery for different applications.
  • Euler Hermes - Tibco BW Developer

    Courbevoie 2012 - 2013 Project: ESB
    City: Paris

    - To develop new services Business Work exposed by ESB. ;
    - Creation of documentation about new services BW. ;
    - Support to solve defects on Test/Prod environment. ;
    - Tibco tool created in order to generate properties file. ;
    - Manage of DEV environments.
  • Euler Hermes - Tibco Architect

    Courbevoie 2012 - 2012 Project: ESB
    City: Paris

    - Implementation of best practices of development and exploitation
    - Definition of delivery and deployment of processes to optimize quality
    - Support for the installation of environments ;
    - Proposal of solutions for the supervision of the SLA ;
    - Support for developers ;
    - Creation of a " Hawk Statistics Collector" with java + unix. It uses the "ApiHawk" to correlate information on bwengine, EMS Server and the Machine.
    - Creation of Hawk Rule Base to monitoring JVMs of environments.
    - Creation of unix tool to create XML file ( properties to deploy Tibco EAR).
    - Creation of documentation about Stop/Start all applications (Apache and Tibco).
    - Creation of documentation about configuration of JVMs to accumulate Jobs' statistics.
    - Creation of documentation about a security of web services (https) and the impact on Dev.
    - Creation of documentation about Tuning's EAR Tibco (Setting MaxJobs/FlowLimit/HeapSize to increase the performance).
    - Direct contact with support Tibco to resolve defect about Tibco's product.
  • Tetra-SI - Tibco Architect & Developer

    2011 - 2012 Project: Internal
    City: Paris

    - Creation of the XML Splitter BW, for splitting big files XML using a custom java code with StAX (not the standard parser Tibco).
    - Creation of the Virtual Machines of the enterprise with Linux OS and a complete stack Tibco.
    - Creation of the domain Tibco for a Service Platform ;
    - Creation of the jobs Talend that use a Jms Connection for communicate with BW. ;
    - Creation of the monitoring topic and queue tool.
  • Euler Hermes - Tibco Architect

    Courbevoie 2011 - 2011 Project: ESB
    City: Paris

    - Participation in the definition of system architecture.
    - Creation documentation for the installation and configuration of an ESB architecture (Fault Tolerance EMS, Load Balancer BW, Hawk Rules for engine monitoring).
    - Suggestion of the best practice Tibco.
  • Tetra-SI - Tibco BW Developer

    2011 - 2011 Project: Internal
    City: Paris

    - Creation of the Load Balancer BW. The LB is based on the status of the finals machines.
    - For catching the status of RAM and CPU I've developed a custom jar. It use Hawk API.
  • Wind Italia - Systems Analyst

    2010 - 2011 Project: ESB
    City: Rome

    - Analysis, troubleshooting and fixing defects in production environment. ;
    - To develop BW tools to fix Production Orders Failed. ;
    - Tibco BW Active Matrix processes development (Palettes: EMS,HTTP,RV,SOAP,JDBC).
  • Telecom Italia - Systems Analyst

    2006 - 2010 Project: Atom
    City: Rome

    - TIBCO Software components installations, management and control; application deployment against various environments (system test, integration test)
    - EMS Configuration (Fault Tolerance, Load Balancing, Routes, development EMS Queue Monitor tools)
    - BWC Configuration (Create an IC, export Workflow, debug log)
    - Apache installation and configuration
    - Tomcat installation and configuration ;
    - Monitoring and application troubleshooting ;
    - Development an automatic java Orders creator for Performance Test ;
    - database test manager ;
    - Unix shell scripting to improve deployment activities automation
    Project: SDM
    City: Rome

    - Agent C++ installations, management and control; application deployment on integration test. ;
    - Database Administrator ORACLE;
    - Unix shell scripting;
  • Pharmasoft CNS - Data Entry

    2005 - 2006 Job Title: Data-entry
    Project: Pharmaceutical
    City: Rome

    Data-entry, programming
  • Paolacci Srl - Programmer

    2005 - 2005 Project: Software development management
    City: Rome

    Programmer (php,sql,java)


Pas de formation renseignée


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