In Charge of the Network of Telecom Argentina as Executive during 6 years, when I came back to France in 2000, I took the responsability of the mobile network (built and run) of the south west region of Orange France. In 2002, I've change completly of domain, and I took the responsability of the Customer Service of Orange France during 5 years, after this operational experience I took in 2008 the functional responsabilty of Customer Service for all the Orange affiliates in Europe.
In 2009, I took the decision to have a new international experience in Orange Jordan as Chief Information Technogy and Network Officer.
After 4 years in Jordan, I take the responsability of the position of Deputy CEO of Sofrecom (affiliate of Orange Group) and to take the People transformation Networks and Services BU.
Mes compétences :
Mobile 2G 3G LTE
Fixe internet network
Information Technology
Customer Service
Customer Experience
People transformation