


En résumé

Mes compétences :
SAP Business Intelligence
SAP Business Information Warehouse
SAP Netweaver > SAP BW
General Ledger
new design
future design
functional Impact analysis
end design
Worldwide Sap deployment
Specific monitoring implementation
SAP-netweaver- Business
SAP-netweaver- As
SAP-FI- Reporting
SAP SD Sales
SAP Netweaver
SAP BW Business Content
SAP ABAP Sapscript
SAP ABAP Dictionary
Report Writer
Relational Database
Project Management
Profit and Loss Accounts
Product Development
Offshore Oil & Gas
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Microsoft Windows
Margin project analysis
Develop many Abap
Bex Query Designer
BODS development


  • TALLY WEIJL - BW/BO/Hana Consultant

    Basel 2017 - maintenant BW/BO/Hana Consultant
  • SIGVARIS - BW Consultant EXpert

    Saint-Just Saint-Rambert 2015 - 2016 Project: No Access
    This project consist to migrate all MS Access application to BW Netweaver 7.4. (Sales reports, IMS Statistics & Sales Dashboard).
    I was involved in all project phase of this project :
    My assigned tasks was firs to understand the existing solutions and process, and after to work closely with business team in order to help them to write the business Blueprint.
    For each solution (Sales report, IS Statistics and Sales Dashboard), I have define proposal technical design for BW.
    I participate to the development mainly on BW dataflow but also perform development on ERP side (SAP ECC6) in order to enriched Customer master data with around 20 additional fields…and developed automation for rebates process for month end closing.
    This project allowed Sigvaris company to implement new process regarding master data maintenance and data quality).
    BW Reports has been done with Analysis for Office 2.2.
    I participate to the training sesssion.

  • Accenture (Contractor) - BW Expert

    2014 - 2015 Project: CDW project Release 1 : Go live preparation
    • Defining Hana scripts and BW reports to perform consistency checks
    • Performing check-up of all new objects implemented
    • Assuming warranty support closely with mainteance team.

    Project: CDW project Release 2 :
    • Developed program for master data hierarchy.
    • Building new dataflow for headcount extraction from HR system.
    • Defining and applying test scenario.

    Project: US One ERP migration: Help to migrate US Entities from QTC system to Sap ECC6 worldwide system.
    • Analysing more than 160 business requirements and defining if it is a Gap or a Fit.
    • Initialise workshop session with business team (in US) when necessary
    • Defining target BW solution to reach business requirement
    • Writing Functional deliverable for new BW solution and reports.
    • Performing Functional description transition to offshore team. (India)
    • Performing knowledge transfer session on complex BW solution to offshore team ( India)

    Project: New Common Data Warehouse Architecture design. CDW project
    • Defining new data model for target BI Architecture:
    • Defining BODS rule transformation in order to translate existing BW solution in target data model.
    • Provide to Accenture team a knowledge transfer on existing BW solution.
    • Check solution and detect defect.
  • Alcatel-Lucent - Contractor

    Paris 2014 - 2014 Project: Merge 2 company codes in one.
    For legal reason, 2 French company codes were merged into single one via SAP SLO conversion:
    My role on this project was to:
    * Perform technical and functional impact analysis ;
    * Determination of BW object to be enhanced: Providers, reports, transformations, business rules
    * Defining test scenario and provide functional and technical inputs to HP team.
    * Defining with Financial team, correct postings scenario for neutralization of historical inter-house activities.
  • Alcatel Lucent - Business System Expert

    Paris 2013 - 2014 Project: End 2 End KPI automation.
    The aim of this project was to automatize loading procedure for some KPI flat file to BI4 platform for dashboard purpose.
    My roles into this project were:
    * BODS Installation tool Data services ETL on project and maintenance line 6 installation on Windows server.
    * Developing relevant BODS dataflow for flat file automation.
    * Implementation of automatic broadcasting with data error and structure file detection error.
    * Specific monitoring implementation. ;
  • Alcatel-Lucent - Contractor

    Paris 2013 - 2013 Project: Implementation of ECPLS reports Estimate at Completion P&L Statement based on CO-PS solution.
    The aim of this project was to implement on BW side, similar ECPLS reports existing on R/3 system with more flexibilities and new axis of analysis Complex solution based on customizing table provided by R/3.
    My roles into this project were:
    * Analysing existing Sap ECC6 ABAP code no documentation exist. ;
    * Implement all necessary master data / configuration tables. ;
    * Building back-end solution with dynamical business rules ;
    * Developing BW reports. ;
    * Defining Jobstream procedure Daily and weekly loading. ;
  • Alcatel-Lucent - Contractor

    Paris 2012 - 2013 Business system expert Project: One-BI reengineering.
    This aim of this technical was to reduce DB size, optimize reporting response time, optimize and reduce daily Jobstream, reduce BWA memory.
    My role was to :
    * Propose to decommissioned obsolete BW solutions based on statistical reports DB Gain. ;
    * Performing a cleansing of obsolete report / workbook. ;
    * Cleansing of technical tables log, history, statistics
    * Building Rolling year approach for info-providers response time
    * Optimize some loading solution on critical path daily Jobstream optimization.
    * Build historical solution and archiving solution BWA gain memory ;
  • Alcatel-Lucent - Contractor

    Paris 2011 - 2012 Project: Headquarter solution HQ
    The aim of this project was to implement on BW side, similar reports existing on ECC6 side : Sap specific transaction provide P&L report and B/S reports at aggregated level GLPCT: BW solution was to do the same at detail level GLPCA. All report are define dynamically thanks to customizing tables managed by headquarter team.
    Business system expert My role was to :
    * Analyse existing solution on SAP system and retrieve all business rules. ;
    * Propose a design architecture ;
    * Develop back-end architecture and implement all customizing table to reach the requirement. ;
    * Build a set of reports P&L and B/S. ;
    * Build Abap program which create dynamically master data hierarchy based on customizing table. ;
    * Perform unit tests / integration tests and do the training to business team. ;
    * Write functional and technical documentation. ;
  • Alcatel-lucent - Contractor

    Paris 2010 - 2010 In order to reduce the maintenance / workload activities when implementing new company code...a simplification project in order to have a common controlling area for all company codes: This project was driven by Sap SLO conversion team.
    My role was to :
    * Define new rules implementation to one Unique Controlling Area on BW side.
    * Enhance back-end design.
    * Adapt Jobstream with new design.
    * Analyse reporting impact. ;
    * Check and analyse log result from Sap SLO conversion process. ;
    * Executing remaining cut-over after SLO conversion. ;
  • Alcatel-lucent - Contractor

    Paris 2009 - 2009 Project: New flow and Reports for inter-house Management implementation
    The aim of this project was to be able to recognize inter-house posting done between Alcatel-Lucent Unit's.
    My role on this project was to :
    * Analyze impact on existing financial solution. ;
    * Implement new providers and business rules. ;
    * Implement dedicated business rules in datasource at user-exit level. ;
    * Perform test scenario et integration tests. ;
  • Alcatel-Lucent - Contractor & Business system analyst

    Paris 2009 - 2009 Project: Consistency Check Solutions implementation
    The aim of this project was to ensure the accuracy of main financial solution used during Month End Closing.
    Automatic process will provide to Controllers via broadcasting, an exception report with potential discrepancies between source system and BW.
    My role on this project was to :
    * Build dedicated data flow for consistency check purpose ;
    * Build Consistency report based on exceptions. ;
    * Set the broadcasting settings.
    * Implement weekly Jobstream
    * Perform tests scenario and integration tests.
    * Write functional and technical documentation. ;
  • Alcatel Lucent - Business system analyst

    Paris 2007 - 2009 Project: NAR North America Region Finance Roll-Out
    The aim of this project was to integrate Lucent activities into the Alcatel Sap system regarding the financial part.
    My role into this project was to :
    * Develop new back-end dataflow for this region. ;
    * Build back-end for Account receivables AR Account payable AP, general ledger GL and Tax dataflow TX. ;
    * Build set of reports for financial controllers. ;
    * Build a collection of legal US reports tax reports by jurisdiction code
  • Alcatel-Lucent - Contractor - Business system analyst

    Paris 2005 - 2007 Project: Backlog solution release 3.
    The aim of this project was to rebuild a new improved version of Backlog solution (Order book not yet billed).
    My role into this project was to :
    * Developed specific datasource for booking part at Sales order header, item and price condition level. ;
    * Develop new back-end dataflow with new business rules. ;
    * Implement specific process for Brazil restatement of Order book due to BRL- USD indexation.
    * Build set of reports, Year to date, Quarterly, Monthly, ...
    * Build Abap program for Gain and loss calculation. ;
    * Provide all information for Daily, Weekly and Monthly Jobstream. ;
  • Alcatel Lucent - Contractor - Sap Abap Consultant

    Paris 2004 - 2005 Project: Finance Hub Roll-Out Project
    The aim of this project was to migrate from Concerto R/3 system to Blue Planet R/3 the 5 big Alcatel units.
    My role in this project was :
    * Implement standard financial datasource: FI-AR, FI-AP, Asset and FI-GL.
    * Adapt existing reports for finance and controlling reports.
    * Perform IT Tests & User Test follow-up ;



Annuaire des membres :