


En résumé

Head of the Department of Neuropharmacology in a private company NeuronExperts.

Having a double competence - Engineer in biotechnology and PhD in Neuroscience - I have an expertise in both applied and fundamental research. I worked for several years on high content screening of therapeutic molecules in the field of spinal cord injury and neural development in physiological and pathological conditions


  • NeuronExperts - Head of Neuropharmacology Department

    2014 - maintenant Development of cell based assays for modeling several Neurodegenerative diseases:
    Models of Parkinson; Alzheimer, Huntington, Multiple Sclerosis and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis diseases.

    Design of studies with customer's agreement (Biotech and big Pharma)
    Project Follow
    Analysis and validation of results
    Reports / Presentations of results
  • Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone - PhD

    2009 - 2013 Study of motor neuron diversity and characterization of linked molecular mechanisms. This project has been done due to the development of a novel approach of motor neuron subtypes isolation by Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorting

    - Demonstration that morphology of two mouse motor neuron subtypes involves a differential expression of genes encoding cytoskeletal proteins and enzymes implicated in the phospholipids synthesis which are regulated by the transcription factors FoxP1/HB9

    - Demonstration that these motor neuron subtypes respond differentially to Hepatocyte Growth Factor, Artemin and Ciliary NeuroTrophic Factor because of a specific expression of the corresponding receptor gene. These data provide a rational basis for the selection of individual or combined neurotrophic factors to be tested in future amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) trials

    Development of a new FACS-based method for isolating human iPS (Induced Pluripotent Stem) - derived motor neurons with both an HB9::GFP reporter lentivirus and an antibody directed against the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor p75. This method yields for the first time pure human motor neurons which is a prerequisite for generating cellular ALS models and for testing therapeutic strategies

    Study of Golgi apparatus fragmentation and alteration of axonal traficking in two models of ALS, pmn and hSOD1 mice, by flow cytometry and cellular approaches
  • Pharmaxon - Engineer

    2007 - 2009 Development and use of a high content screening model for spinal cord injury therapy. Screening of molecules able to induce axonal regrowth after spinal cord injury (in vitro model). Characterization of active molecules on cell migration and proliferation of astrocytes that express on their surface molecules that inhibit neurite outgrowth

    Tests in vivo of identified hits on a predictive and available model of the pathology



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