- Responsable Administratif et Marketing
2012 - maintenant
Gestion et administration
Communication et développement
Réalisation du business plan
Rédaction de l'étude de marché
Veille concurrentielle
Création d'outils de communication (flyers, charte graphique, PLV)
Organisation d'opérations spéciales (Foires commerciales, portes-ouvertes)
Réalisation et mise à jour du site internet (création, rédaction, contenu photo)
Etude de développement
Office de Tourisme de Rouen
- Responsable promotion et développement/ Responsable Développement Croisières
2011 - 2016
Rédaction de la stratégie de promotion et développement prévisionnelle (marchés ciblés : Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, Italie, Portugal, Etats-Unis, Brésil, Japon, Chine)
Mise en place et suivi du budget Promotion
Préparation et suivi d'opérations de promotion (salon, workshops) - de l'inscription à la présence physique sur le stand (budget, logistique, plannings, communication, promotion)
Organisation de workshops et d'éductours mettant en relation des professionnels du tourisme (hôteliers, restaurateurs) et des Tours Opérateurs
Animation d'un réseau professionnel (Institutionnels, professionnels du tourisme)
Mise à jour et suivi du fichier clients et prospects en lien étroit avec le service commercial
Rédaction et envoi de newsletters
Rédaction, mise en page et traduction d'outils de communication adaptés aux marchés ciblés
Bindmans LLP
- Chargée de promotion et développement
2010 - 2011
Armada 2008, Rouen
- Communications Assistant
2007 - 2008
Communication Department of the Armada, a non-profit-making association that organizes one of the largest gatherings if tall ships in the world, taking place in Rouen, Normandy.
• Managed a team of 5.
• Manage the budget (900 000 euros) and planning
• Public relations (wrote and updated the Press pack translated into 6 languages, organized press conferences in France and England, wrote several articles for the website
• Created and updated advertising and publicity campaigns, with a budget of around 500 000 euros: 280 000 for the display and 220 000 for the flyers (1200000 copies for the last edition), posters, stickers, poster advertising features> most of the features were translated into English.
• Updated the website (both French and English)
I organized and oversaw the project focused on environmental responsibility called the “Green Armada”
• Created an identity designing a new logo, write special environmental charters according to the environment and the event, and communicated thanks to the press medium, the website and the partners of the Armada to convey the importance of the event’s carbon footprint to both participants and visitors of the event.
• Set up a special event prior to the Armada t attract people and make them aware of our project.
• We organized a special day on the quays of Rouen to collect and sort the waste, and created a work of art from the waste to symbolically reflect the acts of the sorting. Around 60 inhabitants of Rouen went to participate and few journalists from TV, newspapers and radio interviewed organizers and participants.
Carry out this project gave me the opportunity to develop good negotiation and strong interpersonal skills with the ability to persuade and influence other, and an experience of preparing and presenting information to a wide range of stakeholders at all levels. I also proved my ability to plan and manage own workload and to manage competing priorities. This work experience is also a proven track record of working in a challenging and public relations environment with regular contact in the media, as I worked alongside a well-known press attaché and created my own database to promote the “green Armada event”.
Smye-Rumsby Ltd
- Communications and Marketing Assistant
2007 - 2007
Smye-Rumsby Ltd communication department, a Dover-based company specialized in radiocommunication.
I worked with the sales and Hire department to extend both internal and external communication (advertising, networking, sponsorship and exhibitions) and coordinated a market study as they wanted to cross the English Channel and export their knowledge to France.
Mission Motos, Pau
- Communications and Marketing Assistant / Management
2006 - 2006
Management trainee Assignment at Mission Motos, Pau (Southern France), an English company specialized in rental of two wheels vehicles.
Analyzing business, setting up and reviewing processes within a start up environment- reservations, fleet control, post hire customer. I also translated French documents into English and vice versa.
Au Pair
- Au Pair
2004 - 2004
Au Pair girl during 4 month in London
Pimkie, Barentin/ Conforama, Rouen
- Shop Assistant
2002 - 2005