


En résumé

Après une formation d'ingénieur en mécanique au CESTI-Supméca (ENSI), j'ai débuté ma carrière en janvier 2005 au sein de la société Dassault Systèmes (DS) en tant qu'ingénieur Recherche et Développement.

Mes cinq années d'expérience m'ont permis d'étendre mes compétences techniques dans le domaine informatique (C++, composants, interfaces, XML) mais aussi dans celui de l'édition de logiciels (respect des process et des plannings de livraisons, suivi des développements et des indicateurs qualité).

Grâce aux opportunités de mobilité interne, mon intégration au sein trois différentes équipes a été l'occasion de me familiariser avec l'ensemble des solutions de DS (CATIA, SmarTeam, ENOVIA), tout en développant mon réseau de contacts.

L'an dernier, j'ai rejoint l'organisation Support afin de prendre en charge de la définition et le déploiement des outils de Support pour nos solutions V6.

Mes compétences :
catia V5
Enovia V5
Gestion de projet
Gestion de projet informatique
Langages de programmation
Microsoft Visual Basic
Programmation c
Programmation C#
Programmation C++
Programming Languages


  • Dassault Systèmes - Technical Sales Support Manager for Middle-East

    Vélizy-Villacoublay maintenant
  • Dassault Systèmes - Define Leader for V6 Supportability Tools

    Vélizy-Villacoublay 2010 - 2011 o “Leader” for the “DEFINE” and “DEPLOYMENT” steps concerning Support Tools.
    o Co-host internal Support Community (hosted by internal platform) to capitalize on needs, requests for changes, and support best practices.

    «DEFINE» step :
    Interacting with all stakeholders in the global Support organization:
    o Collection of the current difficulties/pains to support V6 customers.
    o Identification of new Support needs, especially regarding Troubleshooting tools.
    o Prioritization of Support needs.
    o Writing of detailed changes requests. Translation of internal Support requirements into Product Enhancement Requirements.
    o Requirements submission into the internal information system and associated Use Cases delivery (description of product usage scenarios).

    «IMPLEMENTATION» follow-up step:
    Interacting with R&D :
    o To build short-term and long-term roadmap(s), to ensure the longevity of the target market approach strategy. To include the necessary developments for products intended for the various releases, in conjunction with the Product Development teams. To find, with them, the right compromise between dates and content.
    o To monitor progress and any difficulties which may affect the targeted release for the functionality/tool delivery.
    o To test and to give feedback on the functionality/tool at the earliest.
    o To share status with the Support organization.
    o To contribute to the new features industrialization:
     Industrialization plan building with both QA and Support organizations.
     Involvement of key Support people for the industrialization step.

    «DEPLOYMENT» step:
    o To build training materials (traditional or self-study).
    o To train Support teams (directly or via the Knowledge Center Leaders): to explain the tool’s added value (presentation, demonstration) (possibly with the customer) for the coming release.
    o To communicate with Support and DS teams via internal Support community on existing, coming, targeting supportability tools.
    o To communicate with customers via the official Support website: www.3ds.com/Support.
    o To be the go-to person internally and externally for the Support tools: at any time, champion tools internally to convince management, Support teams, sales force, development teams, etc. To be the known contact externally for anything relating to the tool(s).

    o To edit and to leverage Support V6 Best Practices, taking into account these new features.
    o To define new official procedures.
  • Dassault Systèmes - Research and Development Engineer

    Vélizy-Villacoublay 2007 - 2010 Since January 2005: Research & Development Engineer at Dassault Systèmes in Suresnes (92).
    Informatics Project Management: Definition - Specification - Implementation - Follow-up - Evolution- Maintenance.

    March 2007 - June 2010: ‘Lifecycle Commands’ Team Member.

    Identification of detailed specifications for each development project with the Product manager.
    Drafting of technical specifications (architecture, components, User Interface, and methodologies).
    Implementation and documentation of delivered developments and associated Unitary Test Objects (ODT) in order to check basic scenario availability. Weekly follow-up of quality indicators (automatic tests replay, code coverage, memory leaks management).
    Realization of current maintenance (incidents correction, tests, code delivery) and associated ODT.
  • Dassault Systèmes - Research and Development Engineer

    Vélizy-Villacoublay 2006 - 2007 October 2006-February 2007: ‘Catalogue’ Team Member.

    Realization of technical specifications for creation and management functions of ‘Catalogue’ workshop within CATIA V6.
    Implementation of User Interface (menu toolbars and commands) (object-oriented programming: language C++).
    Organization of automatic tests campaign (Unitary Tests, Component Based Testing), in order to test the 'Catalogue' application quality with the aim of its industrialization.
  • Dassault Systèmes - Resarch and Development Engineer

    Vélizy-Villacoublay 2005 - 2006 January 2005-September 2006: 'CATIA V5-SmarTeam Integration' Team Member.

    Maintenance and evolution of existing functionalities for the different versions of the software CATIA V5 in production (object-oriented programming language: C++).
    Follow-up of all the quality indicators: automatic tests (macros in Visual Basic Script language), Incidents Reports.
    Support for customers specific solutions (CATIA Architecture Application: CAA).
  • École de Technologie Supérieure - Internship

    2004 - 2004 April-September 2004: Training at École de Technologie Supérieure in Montréal (Canada).

    Identification and prevention of incoherence sources in a Manufacturing Folder: Study of this industrial case in order to organize into a hierarchy all identified incoherence.
    Research of software solutions aiming at preventing these errors. Implementation of Data Model within SmarTeam PDM (Product Data Management).
    Goal: to insure management of all generated data during Product Lifecycle while minimizing errors sources.

    Founded in 1974, École de technologie supérieure (ETS) is a member of the University of Quebec network. Specialized in application engineering and technology, it focuses its activities on cooperative education and on development of new technologies and their transfer to business companies. In Canada, it ranks third out of 35 schools or faculties of engineering.
  • PSA Peugeot Citroën - Internship

    Rueil Malmaison 2003 - 2003 Internship at PSA Peugeot Citroën in Vélizy (78).

    Creation of a model of assistant tool for packaging simulation (automotive parts). Planning definition (tasks list and weekly meetings). Creation of methodology for packaging simulation after different meetings with technicians responsible of packaging. Realization of technical specifications for assistant tool for packaging simulation. Main functionalities implementation with Visual Basic programming language, using macros from DMU (Digital Mock Up) CATIA V5 workshop.

    PSA Peugeot Citroën is the 7th car manufacturer by global sales in 2008.
    Besides the automotive business, the Group also includes:
    - A supplier, Faurecia, the European leader and number 2 worldwide in most of its businesses (seats, exhausts, ...).
    - GEFCO, a transportation and logistics, 2nd in France in its field.
    - Finance companies united by Banque PSA Finance.
    - Peugeot Motorcycles (scooters and motocycles from 50 to 125 cm3), 3rd European manufacturer.


  • Institut Supérieur De Mécanique De Paris

    Saint Ouen 2001 - 2004 Mechanical, Computer-Aided Design, Informatics

    National French school of engineering conferring a diploma equivalent to a master of science).
  • Lycée Michel Montaigne

    Bordeaux 1999 - 2001 Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

    2-year of intensive studies preparing competitive entry to French engineering schools.
  • Lycée René Cassin

    Bayonne 1996 - 1999 Mathematics

    Scientific Baccalauréat with honors.


Annuaire des membres :