


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Gestion des ressources humaines


  • RETIS - Responsable Administration RH et SIRH

    Montauban-de-Bretagne 2016 - maintenant
  • Groupement d'Employeurs HELYS - Responsable RH

    VERN SUR SEICHE 2014 - 2016 Intervention dans 2 entreprises :
    - Secteur de la Recherche : Bioprédic
    - Cabinet d'Avocats : Cressard et Le Goff Avocats
  • Association de La Bretèche - Assistante RH

    2014 - 2016 L'Association de La Bretèche regroupe plusieurs établissements du médico-social :
    - L'IME de la Bretèche, Hédé
    - ESAT La Simonière, Hédé
    - ESAT de l'Espoir, Rennes
    - IME de l'Espoir, Rennes
    - Foyer La Combe, Hédé
    - Résidence du Parc des Bois, Rennes
    - SAVA-Itinéraire-Bis, Mordelles
  • Association AFEL - Animatrice Jeunesse

    2014 - 2014
  • - - Congé maternité

    Paris 2014 - 2014
  • Novartis - Quality Administrator

    RUEIL MALMAISON 2013 - 2013
  • Adventure Games - Children and Adults Entertainer

    2013 - 2013 Creation of my business: http://adventuregames-rallyes.weebly.com/index.html
    Adventure Games organises original and fun activities for kids and adults,
    family celebrations and corporate events.
    As well as for a kids party, birthday party, hen/stag party or team building, a creative range of activities are available: treasure hunt, woodland game, orienteering challenge,...!

    We create and deliver a range of original activities to the location of your choice.
    The activities can take place in your own place, indoor as well as outdoor.
    We aim to provide a moment of pleasure and fun and improve relationships!
  • Triage Central Limited - Administrator

    2012 - 2013 All aspects of Administration in a busy Welfare to Work Office: filing, emails, telephone communication, booking appointment, sanctioning, covering reception, ...

  • Brakes - Administrator

    CORBAS 2012 - 2012 In charge of issuing statements, invoices, reminder letters, journals, ...
  • Trainpeople - HR Assistant

    2011 - 2012 • In charge of administrative monitoring : creation of contracts, compiling and sending new staff Starter / Induction Packs, creation of recruitment files, checking the right to work in UK, booking medicals, booking training, ordering uniforms
    • Creation and maintaining various databases and reports : follow up of absenteeism, customers database ...
    • Updating and reorganization of data on all the computing system and personal files
    • Recruitment : Placing and removing job adverts on the websites, candidates’ selection, phone screening, booking interviews, checking references
    • Work in support of other Managers and Director : creation of many mailings to UK and France, confirmation of rosters, creation of process ...
    • Management of the reception and handling telephone enquiries from customers
    • Management of the reception of orders and payments about the renting of storage units; event transports and assistance for removals.
    • Insuring the reception in the shop and selling products when it was required.
  • Mountains Animals Sanctuary - Volunteer

    2011 - 2011 * Grooming of the horses and donkeys (including feeding and washing, checking their appearance and mucking out)
    * Customer Service Assistant within the Visitor Centre
  • SOMAINTEL - HR Officer

    VERN-SUR-SEICHE 2008 - 2011 * In daily relationship with the Managers and Directors in the domain of recruitment and the Human Resources Management
    * In charge of recruitment : from the description to the recruitment (advert, candidates' selections, phone screening, individual and collective interview, ...)
    * Responsible for payroll processing : 500 employees in 30 agencies (data capture, checking , establishment of wage slips, ...)
    * Managing of integration of new employees : Establishment and management of the integration system (personalized training plan, welcome meeting and assessment after 6months of service)
    * In charge of administrative monitoring : contract creation, follow up of absenteeism, creation of recruitment files, ...
    * Creating and maintaining various databases for Human Resources department : corporate social report, Human Resources reports, statistics of absenteeism, keeping up with new laws, ...
    * Contribution to group projects

    2007 - 2008 * Managing of recruitment : candidates' selection, phone screening
    * Responsible for payroll processing for 1300 employees (data capture, checking, establishment of wage slips, ...)
    * Creation of contract and recruitment files
    * Study carried out : "Annual personal meeting with employees = Analysis and establishment of Human Resources Computing System"
  • MORGAN SA - HR Generalist & Corporate Services Manager

    2005 - 2007 * Responsible for Corporate Services : Management of a team (4 employees), recruitment, management of the activity and trade negociations
    * In charge of legal and social relations: keeping up with new laws
    - with regard to individual files : measures
    - with regard to collective files : participation to meeting with social partners, establishment of 2 collective redundancy programs, corporate social report and professional elections
    * Management of internatinonal mobility : management of expatriates' files and their administrative formalities
    * In charge of administrative monitoring : creation of contracts, of recruitment files ...
    * Responsible for payroll management and analysis : follow-up reports, creation of a monitoring and analysis database, data capture
  • MEDIASYSTEM - HR Assistant

    2004 - 2005 * Managing of payroll : information transfer to the head office
    * Creation of contract and of recruitment files
    * Recruitment of trainees and temporary workers
    * Study carried out : "The consequence of a Merger"
  • MANGO - Executive Assistant

    Paris 2003 - 2004 * Secretarial work
    * Management of authors' contracts (creation, payment and management of issues)
    * Management of trainees' schedules
    * Creation of administrative files of the new employees


  • Centre Européen De Formation Professionnelle CEFP (Paris)

    Paris maintenant
  • Conservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers CNAM Rennes

    Rennes 2007 - 2008 RESSOURCES HUMAINES
  • CEFP

    Paris 2004 - 2005 RESSOURCES HUMAINES
  • ISCA (Paris)

  • Lycée Pierre De Coubertin (Meaux)

    Meaux 1999 - 2003


Annuaire des membres :