

Le Chesnay

En résumé

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    Le Chesnay maintenant
  • Bull - Consultant HPC

    Les Clayes-sous-Bois 2012 - maintenant Etude Avant-vente HPC, conseil, réponse aux appels d'offre

    Extreme Computing Unit dans l'équipe Application & Performance

    - HPC: High Performance Computing
    - computer science (applied mathematics & parallel programming): Fortran/C/Python, OpenMP/MPI
    - linux and GNU/Unix system
    - weather & climate forecast code optimization

    Presales projects:
    - benchmarking
    - system evaluation
    - customer code optimization
    - meteo and climat pole
  • INRIA - Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique - Ingénieur de Recherche

    2009 - 2011 Equipe projet MOISE: Modelling, Observations, Identification for Environmental Sciences
    Mathématiques appliquées
    European project NEMO: CERFACS, LOCEAN, MERCATOR, MetOffice (UK), ECMWF (UK), INRIA.
    Code NEMO: Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (>400M lignes de code)

    Developpement du code Adjoint dans le cadre de l'assimilation de données et de l'analyse de sensibilité
    - mathematiques appliquées
    - multi-grilles
    - parallel processing
    - clusters
    - versionning
    - Fortran, C, scripts
  • UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul / Brasil - Engineer

    2008 - 2008 Computer science
    Meteorology - Weather Forecast - BRAMS software
    BRAMS: Brazilian Regional Atmospherical Model System
    Code efficiency improvement: Analyses and improve atmospheric chemical module Solver Box.
    - solver benchmark
    - time-splitting scheme improvement
    - multi-processor
  • NXP - Ingénieur Procédés - Process Engineer

    2001 - 2007 Start-up, prototyping, Ramp-up for production

    1 year in Netherlands for integration
    Thermal treatment expert for LPCVD (low pressure chemical vapor deposition): PolySilicon, Nitride, Oxide and High Temperature Anneal

    Statistic process control (SPC and APC)
    Tool automation
    member of the NXP international "furncace cluster team" - representant of Crolles 300mm wafer-fab
    Engineer and Technician training
    Yield leader for thermal treatment department (responsible for action plan and reporting: yield and process control key parameters)



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