
François ANDRE


En résumé

C'est dès les années collège que j'ai trouvé ma voie dans la conception électronique. j'y ai fait le choix d'une formation courte, pour intégrer dès que possible un bureau d'étude.
Créatif et très orienté produit, je débute dans la conception, puis très vite prend des responsabilités de Chef de projets qui au fil du temps sont devenus de plus en plus conséquentes et internationales.
Mon point fort : La technique. C'est de la que je viens et c'est le fil rouge de mon parcours.
Après avoir acquis une accréditation PMP et fort d'une expérience réussie de mise en place en entreprise, je me projette désormais dans des missions de gestion de projet à contenu technologique avec une orientation conseil & expertise en management de projet.

Mes compétences :
6 Sigma black belt
Design for manufacturing
Microsoft Project
Quality management
Risk management
Total Quality Management
PMP Credential by PMI 2010
RF electronic and wireless protocols
Power & Numeric electronic 8/16/32 Bits
Lean Six Sigma


  • ADEUNIS-RF - Senior Project Manager

    2011 - 2014 As an expert in project management (PMP credential) I set up a project policy in the company, completed by a training and support program.
    I lead several major projects as:
    - Squadra, Free hand Audio conference system for Sport referees.
    - New brand of Long distance RF modems 169M & 869M
    - Gazelec modem for remote Gaz & Water metering
    - Heat Cost Allocator for domestic heating metering, wireless mbus protocole
    - Communicating safety helmet dedicated to workers operating by night on rail networks
  • INVENSYS CONTROLS - Senior Project Manager

    1999 - 2011 Lead of sized projects within an international context with multicultural virtual teams . To my credit: large and innovative projects for Whirpool, outstanding openings in new customers (CANDY Group and Atlant) and 2 years spent in training and support of Electronic Engineering Center in shanghai, as then as supervision of their local projects.
  • EATON - FW Development Group Leader

    montbonnot saint martin 1997 - 1999 A 20 months break in my project leader journey to lead the Firmware Dev. Group (11 engineers) and implement software dev. processes and best practises.
    An amazing and challenging project with the creation of Controlworks software platform, presented in Domotechnica 1999 fair and adopted par Whirlpool, to speed up and make secure development process.

  • EATON - Junior Project Manager

    montbonnot saint martin 1994 - 1997 My 1st experience as a team leader composed of 7 engineers & technicians in charge of development of ECH mechatronic product over two R&D places : Thyez & Belluno.
  • EATON - Senoir Controls Engineer

    montbonnot saint martin 1988 - 1994 I joined EATON controls where, thanks to my strong skills in microcontrollers,
    i developed the first numeric PID motor controls for Bosch et Bauknecht companies, then the hybrid controls (mix of electronic & electro-mechanic) for washers
  • Centre Technique de l'Industrie Horlogère (CETEHOR) - Junior Controls Engineer

    1980 - 1988 I started at CEntre TEchnique de l’industrie HORlogère, in a small team dedicated to the development of custom products which sound micro-mechatronic.
    As an Electronic Designer, I was in charge of electronic development (hardware & software) of such systems as :
    - A matrix pick and place header, based on original pneumatic micro-valve technology (awarded at Micronora 1988 fair).
    - The well known display panel for motorway, based on fiber optic µmotorised shield.
    - An XYZ axis control for laser cutting machinery based on step by step motors, …

    I also appreciated to be close to Watch Industry experts and to learn about this technology


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :