


En résumé

After 13 years spent in the railway sector including 3 years abroad, in Systems design, as a System / Control engineer, then functional manager of a team of engineers, I took in charge since May 2019 a team working on various railway projects (metros, 2 levels regional trains, locomotives).

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Transport ferroviaire


  • Alstom Transport - System Engineers Manager

    2019 - maintenant Metier Manager for a team of 18 system and control engineers, developing and validating various railway systems, on different types of projects. Team of engineers oriented on Traction / Brake / Energy systems (CVS / battery / pantograph), Driving, ATC and ETCS), and intervening in all the phases of the project development cycle, from the Offer phase to the Validation and Certification phase.
  • Alstom Transport - TCMS System Project Manager

    2015 - 2020 Project of 2 levels regional M7 trains for SNCB:
    My main missions on this project as TCMS System Project Manager were:

    - Manage the development of all deliverables composing the Train Control and Monitoring System "TCMS" (subsystems, electrical diagrams and software design), from the offer, specification, design, validation until the end of the warranty period.
    - Manage the configuration of the applicable TCMS (low voltage diagram, electrical apparatus and software version) and ensure the monitoring of the subsystems interfacing with TCMS (electrical conversion components, traction/braking system, audiovisual means, multimedia, event recorder, ground train data communication system, automatic train pilot and safety Equipment, ...),
    - Propose design solutions that meet the customer's specified requirements by defining the architecture and performance of the TCMS system.
    - Take responsibility for functional studies, planning throughout the V cycle.
    - Deliver software specifications, functional design, software, electrical diagrams and the definition of electrical products, in accordance with the commitments of time, quality and cost for engineering.
    - Monitor, control and consolidate all work (review of work packages, risk mitigation, project objective of time, quality and cost)
    - Functionally manage the system and control engineers on this project.

    Work in a matrix, multi-site and international organization.
  • TRTrans / ALSTOM TRANSPORT (Moscow, Russia) - TCMS System Project Manager

    2014 - 2014 TRTRANS is an engineering center established in Russia few years ago, following the partnership signed between Alstom Transport and Transmasholding. This strategic partnership aims to design and manufacture new generations of rolling stock for the Russian rail market.

    My mission during this year was to participate to the creation of a TCMS engineering team (Train Control and Monitoring System), and to develop a new TCMS for the Moscow metro.

    - Participation in the TCMS team recruitment
    - Management of 5 Russian engineers dedicated to TCMS software development and validation
    - Analysis of customer technical requirements for Moscow metro
    - Benchmarking of TCMS platform (hardware, software development and validation tools, test bench…) comparing different suppliers (Alstom, Selectron, EKE, LES...) in a view to choose the best one for control command development on Moscow metro
    - Definition of TCMS architecture according to customer requirements
    - Writing of functional specifications for train functions

    Project covered: Moscow metro
  • TRTrans / ALSTOM TRANSPORT (Novocherkassk, Russia) - TCMS System Project Manager

    2012 - 2013 TRTRANS is an engineering center established in Russia few years ago, following the partnership signed between Alstom Transport and Transmasholding. This strategic partnership aims to design and manufacture new generations of rolling stock for the Russian rail market.

    - Management and training of 10 Russian engineers dedicated to TCMS software development and validation
    - Deployment of the various tools / software used for the development/validation of train control/command software.
    - Writing of functional specifications for train functions
    - Participation in the development, validation (on the test bench and on the train) and generation of embedded software for train main processor unit.
    - Integration test of suppliers’ equipment.

    Project covered: 2ES5 locomotive
  • ALSTOM TRANSPORT (Petite-Forêt, France) - HMI Technical leader (Human Machine Interface) / Control Command Engineer

    2007 - 2011 HMI Technical leader (Human Machine Interface) for ALSTOM Petite-Forêt unit

    HMI activity leader for urban projects (subway, tram and tram-train):
    - Planning of activities related to the onsite projects
    - Management of human and material resources
    - Monitoring the budget of each project
    - Writing and costing of technical proposals related to software changes
    - Monitoring and participating in software development and integration (software Codesys, ControlBuild and Alchemist)
    - Monitoring and participating in test bench validation activity (software TestStand and Train Tracer)
    - Testing process and support to train validation teams

    Control Command Engineer

    Realization of the software design/validation for some train control command functions (ATP (Automatic Train Protection), Passengers Information System...):
    - Writing of functional specifications for train functions
    - Control command functions development (software ControlBuild)
    - Writing of software test scenario (software TestStand)
    - Writing of train test procedure (Type Test)

    Projects covered:
    Tram : Toulouse, Orléans, Reims, Angers, Istanbul, Dubaï, Rabat, Oran, Constantine, Brest, Dijon, Montpellier, Rouen, Casablanca, Tours, Le Havre, Lyon, RATP….

    Tram-train: (SNCF project): Nantes/Lyon

    Subway: Amsterdam, Shanghai, Nanjing, Sao Paulo….

  • Schneider Electric (Lille, France) - Trainee

    2006 - 2007 Internship in Laboratory of electrical and power electronics of Lille: study of the EMC impact (Electro-Magnetic Compatibility) of a new speed variator on the grid:

    - Simulation of two types of speed variator (one with diode rectifier and the other with PWM controlled rectifier) with software LTSPICE
    - Determination of electromagnetic disturbances due to each type of rectifier
    - Comparison of EMC filters required for each type of rectifier
  • Valéo (Etaples sur Mer, France) - Trainee

    2006 - 2006 Trainee in "Quality and Sourcing" department:

    - Update of "Quality-Sourcing" database
  • Uniflockage (Berck sur Mer, France) - Trainee

    2005 - 2005 Trainee in the Research and Development department:

    - Execution of a computer program in order to optimize stocks management
    - Production follow-up: study of temperature/humidity parameters and their impacts on products quality
  • EDF - Gravelines nuclear power plant (Gravelines, France) - Trainee

    2002 - 2004 Trainee in "Performance Engineering Structure" department of Gravelines nuclear power plant:

    - Study of the global nuclear power plant operation, instrumentation and measurements: check of installations, conformity check of nuclear reactor, ...
    - Project related to study: to study the operation of an element of the secondary circuit of the nuclear power plant, having an influence on the thermodynamic efficiency of a reactor.



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