
Frédéric BABIN


En résumé

FVRTHER has two main activities, the first activity is editing web solutions for professionnal and vocational training and the second activity is designing native and web applications.
We mainly based our production approach on UX (user experience), and our production process on Agile methodology.

FVRTHER's past experience in the serious game industry led us to make innovative and fun solutions for professional training programs. FVRTHER works to get the E-Learning or Blended Learning more attractive, using and mixing Serious games with.
Our pedagogic team writes and produces all the contents, the exercises and the animations.

FVRTHER's LMS platform helps different industries as Healthcare & Wellness, Medical Laboratories,Yacht and pleasure boat, Insurance, Finance, Aeronautic and Media, to train employees to get new skills or improve their skills.

Mes compétences :
Adobe Flash
Web design
Adobe After Effects
Direction artistique


  • Fvrther - Co-Founder & Managing Director

    2014 - maintenant FVRTHER has two main activities, the first activity is editing web solutions for professionnal and vocational training and the second activity is designing native and web applications.
    We mainly based our production approach on UX (user experience), and our production process on Agile methodology.

    FVRTHER's past experience in the serious game industry led us to make innovative and fun solutions for professional training programs. FVRTHER works to get the E-Learning or Blended Learning more attractive, using and mixing Serious games with.
    Our pedagogic team writes and produces all the contents, the exercises and the animations.

    FVRTHER's LMS platform helps different industries as Healthcare & Wellness, Medical Laboratories,Yacht and pleasure boat, Insurance, Finance, Aeronautic and Media, to train employees to get new skills or improve their skills.
  • PulpStation - Directeur artistique

    2010 - 2014 Conduite de projets, maîtrise d’ouvrage, suivi clientèle
    Conception d’interface : audit, conception ou refonte ergonomique et graphique.
    Conseil en positionnement de marques digitales.

  • Entropic-Synergies (agence digitale et éditeur de jeux en ligne) - Directeur Artistique

    2007 - 2010 Audit de marque, digital branding, conception visuelle (design et ergonomie fonctionnelle)
    Quelques références :
    Le jeu Largo Winch, Dexia, Investir, Le point.fr, FinRoad, Le journal des finances, Cortal Consors
  • WebSeven (Webagency) - Directeur artistique

    2004 - 2007 Conception et réalisation graphique On/Offline.
    Quelques références :
    Sony-Bmg, Pepsiworld, 7up, Babybel, Pepsifootplay, Manix
  • Pixmania - Webdesigner senior

    Gennevilliers 2004 - 2004 Conception et réalisation graphique Online
  • IBM / PulpStation - Flash designer

    2003 - 2004 Conception et réalisation de visuels et animations elearning pour l’école de la deuxième chance de Marseille.
  • Intech ingénierie (SSII) - Webdesigner

    2001 - 2003 Conception et réalisation graphique On/Offline
  • Cyber-l (Webagency) - Webdesigner junior

    2000 - 2001 Conception et réalisation graphique



Annuaire des membres :