


En résumé

A senior life science industry leader developed through ever more complex fundamental roles across the entire value chain (develop/make/plan/strategy). Creative & visionary with the ability to zoom in/out, Fred comes equipped with the mission, passion, ability to develop technology platforms & make outperformance the norm across the whole organization

Mes compétences :
SAP Production Planning
Lean supply chain
Planning stratégique
Management de transition
Management opérationnel
Gestion de la production
Stratégie d'entreprise
Chaine logistique
Recherche scientifique
Amélioration continue


  • Syngenta - Global Production & Supply Strategy lead

    Guyancourt 2016 - maintenant Responsible for leading strategy design & execution of the associated transformation program for the entire production & supply network to deliver the profitable growth objectives of the new Business Unit

    Responsible for the strategy & transformation of the end-to-end supply chain of a specific portfolio (cucurbits), partnering with R&D and Marketing & Sales to improve quality/health, reliability, profitability & drive growth
  • Syngenta - Head, Global Supply Chain Management, Vegetable seeds

    Guyancourt 2014 - 2016 Global business partner responsible for the strategic management of the entire production & supply network, leading a team of ca. 50 professionals involved in strategically & tactically directing operations across the world
  • Syngenta - EAME Supply Planning Manager

    Guyancourt 2009 - 2014 Responsible for the entire EAME business planning, leading a team of 150 supply professionals involved in the coordination (capacity, timing, stock) of supply chains generating $4bn sales and $2.5bn business contribution
  • Syngenta - Global Formulation, Fill & Pack Responsiveness Manager

    Guyancourt 2007 - 2009 2007: Designed and rolled out an Operational Excellence diagnostic for responsiveness across the entire manufacturing network of ca. 20 sites (maturity assessment, benchmarking, site strategic roadmap)
    2008: Coordinated a global investment program of ca. $200m (36 CapEx projects) for responsiveness and to deliver 85% volume growth over five years , saved $4m through peer review process
    2009: Launched a global community of practice to facilitate knowledge exchange (structured, informal) and standardize network approach to site operations, asset design, compliance, people management
  • Syngenta - Plant Manager(Formulation Fill & Pack)

    Guyancourt 2002 - 2007 Site transformation, improving standards whilst increasing capabilities, CaPex, site re-organization. Doubled productivity absorbing 10x range increase at improved standards through team engagement (up to 100 people managed)
  • Novartis - Plant Chemist (Active Ingredient Manufacturing)

    RUEIL MALMAISON 1998 - 2002 Process troubleshooter & plant optimization (highly hazardous operations, cGMP)


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :