

Les Aix-d'Angillon

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Marketing opérationnel
Analyse stratégique
Management commercial
Négociation commerciale


  • Rians - Laiteries H.triballat - Compte clé GMS

    Les Aix-d'Angillon 2019 - maintenant
  • Madrange - Category Manager

    Limoges 2017 - 2019 Marques : Madrange & Paul Prédault
    Marché : Charcuterie Libre Service + stand coupe
    Clients : Carrefour - Galec - Systeme U - Provera = 80M€
    - Analyse catégorielle, pilotage des KPI et mise en place des actions correctrices
    - Elaboration, revente et mise en œuvre des plans d’affaires enseignes avec les KAM
  • General Mills - Yoplait - Chargé de mission - Manager Régional des promoteurs des ventes

  • Yoplait - Chef de Secteur (Compte clé magasin)

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2012 - 2015
  • Colgate Palmolive - Product Manager Assistant (Hand Dish - Paic & Palmolive)

    Bois-Colombes 2011 - 2012 Brands: Hand Dish (Paic & Palmolive)

    Strategical missions:
    - Analysis of the market trends
    Operational missions :
    - Project management (new product launches, label & boxes caisses, POS products...)
    - Nielsen analysis, presentations, recommendations…
  • Volkswagen - Product Manager Assistant / Assistant chef de produit

    Villers-Cotterets 2011 - 2011 Product Manager Assistant - After Sales / Autoparts

    - Development and implementation of incentives to boost after-sales turnover
    - in charge of some suppliers (day-to-day relationship, incentives, problem solving...)
  • Fresh - Advertising Communication - Intern creative team

    2010 - 2010 Lenght: 4 months
    clients: Mission Australia (project: wintersleepout/charity), Queensland Gvt (project: onepunchcankill), QUT University...

    Fresh is the advertising agency which specialize in developing innovative communications that inspire, excite and engage the youth - the Gen Y.
    As part of the "Fresh creative team", my main duties are to:
    - find consumer insights
    - develop campaings
    - benchmarking, reseach
    - write copies
    - post articles on our blog
    - communication intelligence (focus on: "Guerrilla" and "Experiential Marketing")
  • Leo Burnett Paris - Project Manager Assistant / Account Manager Assistant

    Saint Denis 2009 - 2009 Length: 6 months
    Clients: Petit Navire (MW Brands-John West), Swiffer (Procter&Gamble), Leo Burnett France's website.

    • Petit Navire:
    co-managed from inception through completion advertising projets (TVCommercial, website's update, shopper marketing and in-store materials), ensuring projects were delivered on-time and within budget.

    • Leo Burnett France's website (www.leoburnett.fr):
    Development and launch of the website. Briefed creative people, in charge of coordination with the hosting partner, in charge of the CMS, co-managed the content of the website.

    • Swiffer (P&G): work on some in-store marterials (wobblers, displays, demo-kit)
  • FONCIA Marseille (property agency) - Salesman

    2008 - 2008 Length: 3 months
    Foncia is one of the leading French real-estate selling and renting companies.

    • Rented apartments (analyze of clients needs, convincement)
    • Administrative work
    • Outbound calls to prospects



    Brisbane 2010 - 2010 consumer behaviour, advertising management, media planning, integrated marketing communications

    exchange semestre

    Frontenex 2007 - 2011
  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce (Marseille)

    Marseille 2007 - 2011 major in Marketing (marketing, experiential mkt, 360°, project management, strategy, business)
  • Lycée Champollion

    Grenoble 2005 - 2007
  • Lycée Pierre Termier (Grenoble)

    Grenoble 2002 - 2005 Bac ES option Mathématiques


Annuaire des membres :