


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Analyse statistique
Six Sigma
Caractérisation électrique


  • Global Foundries - Principal engineer Technology development Product engineering

    2018 - maintenant
  • IBM - Test and Characterization Engineer

    Bois-Colombes 2013 - 2015 IBM Watson Research Center
    (working at IBM in NY, for Crocus Technology)

    Managing health of line test:
    I shortened wafer test and analysis total time to fast feed back the other members of the task-force team

    Characterizing magnetic memories:
    I detected and categorized failure signatures in a common effort to understand failure mechanisms

    Finding out root-causes:
    As a Test engineer, I worked with Integration engineers to pinpoint process steps they could improve
  • Crocus-Technology - Test & Characterization Engineer

    2012 - 2018 Characterizing magnetic sensors:
    I characterize sensor test capability and repeatability in an effort to improve yield and quality

    Characterizing magnetic memories:
    As a Test engineer, I team up with Design engineers (in USA) to debug memories for future products

    Managing databases:
    I make data available, reliable and consistent to enable data driven decision-making
  • Freescale Semiconductor - Device Engineer on HDTMOS technology for automotive

    Toulouse 2011 - 2012 Decision making on production:
    I managed out-of-limit production batches through wafer mapping, yield data and statistical analysis

    Assessing risks:
    I used commonality analysis and wafer traceability to find out root-cause equipments and assess risks

    Studying customer return:
    As a Device engineer, I provided test analyses to Product engineers to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Soitec Specialty Electronics - Placement student in Process Development

    Bernin 2011 - 2011 Band diagrams simulation of engineered substrates for HEMTs

    Design and simulation of pseudomorphic InGaAs channel HEMTs
    - 1D Poisson Schrödinger software
    Improvement of pinchoff voltage measurement precision
    - Wafer level test data
  • Tronics Microsystems - Placement student, test and characterization

    2010 - 2010 High performance MEMS angular rate sensor characterization

    Development of a fully automated process for sensor calibration
    - Labview, Matlab
    Characterization, test and calibration of first batches sensors
    - EVO-10 table, ProAxe
    Debug of ASIC, analysis of defectivity root-cause
    - Si-Ware ASIC and software
    Analysis of sensing element parameters, comparison of performances
    - Wafer level test data, Excel
  • Ouest Insa - General Secretary of the Junior-Enterprise Ouest Insa

    2008 - 2009 Ouest Insa is an association that offers the services of student-engineers to engineering companies.
  • Institut National de Sciences Appliquées de Rennes - Student Engineer at INSA (Top French engineering school)

    2008 - 2011 Department: Materials science and Nanotechnology
    Speciality: Optoelectronics
  • Caisse d'Epargne - Employé en CDD

    2007 - 2007
  • Agences de travail temporaire - Employé en intérim

    2006 - 2008



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