


En résumé

Manufacturing Excellence Manager au sein du groupe ALCAN PACKAGING Moscou , je suis actuellement à la recherche d'un emploi au Turkménistan. Après avoir managé une usine de production de transformateurs industriels en Pologne précédemment, j'ai acquis une expertise manageriale et organisationnelle au sein d'environnements complexes et multiculturels.

Qualités: dynamisme, engagement personnel, respect des objectifs, esprit d'équipe, transparence de management.

Je pratique l'anglais, le russe et le polonais.

Mes compétences :
Aide à la décision
amélioration de la performance
conduite de changement
Directeur des opérations
Organisation industrielle
Supply chain
Top Management


  • ALCAN Packaging - Manufacturing Excellence Manager

    2006 - maintenant I worked for Alcan Packaging Moscow the world's leading manufacturer of flexible food packaging as a manufacturing Excellence Manager for the 2 sights: the new acquisition plant and the greenfield plant.
    My scope was to improve within Alcan Acquisition plant the system performances. I led a couple of cross functional projects for different departments applying the Lean Six Sigma techniques, such as: determination of the production capacities, getting weekly and daily planning load, getting all manufacturing and plants KPIs with their respective visual dashboards, creating visual CI management, defining the supply chain’s value stream map, implementing and getting the supply chain KPIs, launching and tackling 5S production projects, organizing Hygiene Training for production operators.
  • Myrra - Operational Manager

    2002 - 2005 I worked in Poland as an Operational Manager for the French company MYRRA, one of the European leaders of manufacturer transformers employing 150 persons.
    My targets: turn around the plant results, improve quality and the expectations of our customers such as GE, Schneider or Danfoss Group. I have the opportunuity to manage the implementation of new activities, the outsourcing of a production line and the ramp up.
    Less than one year, the led main projects according to DMAIC approach and Kaizen events enabled to recover benefits.


  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Arts Et Métiers (Paris)

    Paris 1998 - 1999 DEA - Etude des procedes de fabrication
  • Ecole Nationale D'Ingenieurs De St Etienne ENISE (St Etienne)

    St Etienne 1994 - 1997


Annuaire des membres :