


En résumé

I like all kinds of technical IT solutions, and I am currently specifically very interested in SaaS & PaaS deployments, elasticity, BigData, scalable processing, ...
Experimented in project management and multi-locations/multi-cultural team management (notably Indian teams), I always make sure I maintain my technical knowledge up to date because it is what I like to do (I develop solutions myself on my own personal time aside my job)

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Architecture informatique
Java 2 Enterprise Edition
Struts Web Application Framework
Scrum Methodology
Participative management
Offshore Management
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft .NET Technology
JavaServer Faces
GUI Applications
Ecosystem management
Agile Methodology


  • Worldline - Global Delivery Manager of the Connected Living solution

    Bezons 2012 - maintenant WORDLINE in Seclin (59) (1200 people)
    (deployed for Renault RLink, Michelin Solutions, Home Appliance manufacturers...)

    - Direct Management of 12 people on 2 geographical sites (3 teams): agile-SCRUM methodologies
    - Management of offshore resources (1 team of 6 people): SCRUM methodology
    - Collaborative development with 3 Worldline-internal teams on 3 additional geographic locations
    - Participate to the definition of Worldline's Connected Living Enabler business solution (pricing, strategy, ...)
    -Technical design of Worldline's Connected Living Enabler SaaS solution (platform definition, software architecture, hosting solutions, PaaS deployements ...)on a platform acquiring data from 10 000 000 connected devices
    - Accountable for the global delivery of the Connected Living Enabler platform : Software development planning,budget follow-up, SLAs follow-up, production support follow-up
    - Animation of the global Connected Living Enabler ecosystem : external partners identification, organisation of the collaboration in terms of planning & technical solutions, internal partners leading
    - Notable clients of the SaaS platform : Renault RLink, Michelin solutions, important Home Appliance manufacturer (confidential)
  • Worldline - Global Deliveyr Manager

    Bezons 2012 - maintenant Conception & suivi du delivery de l'offre Connected Living chez Worldline
    Management de 4 equipes sur 3 sites geographiques
    Management Offshore
    Methodologie Agile / SCRUM
    Relation technique avec partenaires d ela Plateforme
    Conception d'offre SaaS / PaaS
  • ATOS WORDLINE - ECommerce solution manager

    2008 - 2012 As Delivery manager of Worldline's generic eCommerce solution
    AuchanDrive, Chronodrive, Orange Read'ngo, Orange appshop pro, Renault RLink store, Parrot store...)

    - Management of a team of 8 people (1 team working with SCRUM)
    - Offshore management of a team of 12 people (2 teams working with SCRUM agile methodology)
    - Accountable for Worldline's generic eCommerce solution design & development
    - Technical design of an internal SaaSeCommerce solution able to adapt to specific big retailers business
    -Belongs to eCommerce expert community in AWL ;
  • ATOS WORDLINE - Team leader / JAVA architect

    2005 - 2007 Management of a team of 3 people and management of the team's projects ;
    - CMS expert in AWL : Worldline Publishing & Worldline eCommerce ;
  • ATOS WORDLINE - Team Leader & Microsoft Solutions architect

    2000 - 2005 Management of a team of 3 people and management of the team's projects
    - Software architecture definition (client side & server side) on MS environnements (BNP, Renault, Surcouf...)
    - Production management of the Microsoft servers datacenter of AWL (security, automated deployment, supervision, support)
  • ATOS Multimedia - Referent

    1999 - 2000 As technical referent on a trade brokering system in Japan

    Main contact for all technical questions between applicative teams and technical teams on a trade web site project with Société Générale in Tokyo (5 man-years project)
  • ATOS Multimedia - Developer

    1998 - 1999 Development & support of Microsoft/COM software components
    - Development of a pay-per-use internet generic solution


  • Ecole Centrale De Lille

    Villeneuve D'Ascq 1995 - 1998 Ingénieur Centralien

    Ingénierie généraliste, option "genie informatique"


Annuaire des membres :