
Grégory HANSEN


En résumé

As a research scientist, I have a fully operational background in multiple domains of the biotechnology environment (Cell and Molecular biology, Chemistry and physics applied to biotechnology). Throughout my years of experiences, I've had the chances to plan my projects, manage their funding, lead a team of students during an international competition and built up international collaborations.

I'm not solely defined by my work. As board member of the sports club of University Pierre & Marie Curie (1300 members), I’ve been, for example involved, in community management and content creation. Moreover, being a scuba diver since 2001, I pushed this a little further and got my certification to become scuba diving instructor. I teach young students not only to scuba dive but also to apprehend the beauty of an environment which is as much in danger as it is unknown.

Fully driven by the empowering feeling of new discoveries and passionate about biotechnologies and the pharmaceutical industry, I am currently looking for a post as Research scientist / Research project manager.

Mes compétences :
Adobe Illustrator CS6
Sciences de la vie
Microsoft Office
Culture cellulaire
Laboratoire de Recherche
Recherche scientifique
Biologie moléculaire


  • UPMC - Business Manager

    Paris 2013 - 2014 ✔︎ Analysis of contractual and partnership activity of the I3 laboratory
    ✔︎ Competitive intelligence and studies of innovative strategic solutions

    *Technical skills:
    ➢ Patent portofolio management
    ➢ Strategy analysis and consulting

    *Human skill:
    ➢ Apprehending research from another perspective
  • Ecole Normale Supérieure - PhD candidate in Biochemistry / Biophysics

    2012 - 2015 ✔︎ "Cell-Free Preparation of Functional and Triggerable Giant Proteoliposomes"
    ✔︎ "A reversible translation inhibitor for cell-free study of fluorescent proteins"

    * Technical skills:
    ➢ Plasmid design and optimization
    ➢ Primer design
    ➢ Nothern & Southern blot
    ➢ Gibson assembly
    ➢ PCR
    ➢ RNA purification / isolation
    ➢ Cell-free protein production
    ➢ Protein purification
    ➢ Liposome formation (SUV, GUV) / Transfer and Electroformation
    ➢ Confocal microscopy
    ➢ AFM
    ➢ Matlab
    ➢ Origin Pro
    ➢ Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator)

    * Human skills:
    ➢ Project management
    ➢ Work organization
    ➢ International and cross-disciplines collaborations

    ✔︎ Travel grant from Institut Français d'Israël to the Synthetic Life: Molecules, Cells and Tissues workshop (Weizmann Institute, Israel October 2013)

    ✔︎ Reproduction of Louis Pasteur's experimental work on Chirality. Award of the American Chemical Society: Citation for Chemical Breakthrough (http://savoirs.ens.fr/expose.php?id=1487)

    ✔︎ Organizer of the Journées Jeunes Chercheurs of the Chemistry Department of ENS

    ✔︎ PhD candidate and post-docs representative at the steering committee of the Chemistry Department of ENS

  • CEA-Grenoble (France) - Junior Research Scientist

    PARIS 2012 - 2012 ✔︎ Antibody micropatterning for single immune cell capture and real-time cytokines secretion screening

    *Technical skills:
    ➢ SPRimaging
    ➢ Micropatterning (laboratory developed Bio-quill system)
    ➢ Protein chemistry (Antibody modification)
    ➢ Electrochemistry (Pyrrole)
    ➢ Cell culture (Splenocytes)
    ➢ L2 laboratory
    ➢ Fluorescence microscopy
    ➢ Contact angle measurements
  • Minatec - IGEM Team leader

    2012 - 2012 ✔︎Synthetic Biology competition organized by the Massachussets Institute of Technology.

    ✔︎During the European selections, our team was awarded a gold medal and the special jury commendation for our Biosafety work.

    ✔︎One project with 4 aspects:
    ➢ Biology: Development of an E. Coli based pathogen detector
    ➢ Modelling: Prediction of our system stability using systems biology tools
    ➢ Human practice: Market study of the different pathogen detection methods; Creation of a standardized BioBrick Safety sheet to assess and predict potential risks in using or associating Biobricks
    ➢ Communication: Website development from bottom to top; International conferences and posters

    *Technical skills:
    ➢ PCR
    ➢ Gibson assembly
    ➢ Protein design
    ➢ Primer design
    ➢ Funding research and management (50 k€)

    *Human skills:
    ➢ Team leader
    ➢ Team work
    ➢ Conflict management

    For over 10 years, iGEM has been encouraging students to work together to solve real-world challenges by building genetically engineered biological systems with standard, interchangeable parts. Student teams design, build and test their projects.

    Participation in the iGEM competition empowers teams to manage their own projects, advocate for their research and secure funding. Teams are also challenged to actively consider and address the safety, security and environmental implications of their work.
  • Université de Copenhague - Junior Research Scientist

    2011 - 2011 ✔︎ Protein domains production optimization and Protein-protein interaction screening

    *Technical skills:
    ➢ E. Coli culture
    ➢ Protein over-expression (E. Coli)
    ➢ Protein purification (Affinity and size exclusion)
    ➢ SDS-PAGE
    ➢ Western Blot
    ➢ Biacore (Protein interaction)



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