Expert in Environmental Protection, focus on Water, water cycle approach.
Water is life, it will never disappear. But with climate change, the water stressed regions are growing and available fresh water resources are diminishing. Human activity is contributing to the pollution of surface and groundwater. I'm convinced that everyone has a role to play in protecting this vital and essential resource.
Water supply crisis will be one of the major risks for people and for businesses in the near future. The sustainability of company growth through their water management approach will become the competitive due to their dependencies being linked to local water availability limitations. This aspect is my interest area.
My career as waste water expert started with engineering and international project management of water treatment plants for municipalities and industry. This was followed by key account responsibility for commercial and technical development of waste water treatment plants in the industrial sector of the Pulp&Paper industry, in different European countries. Today I'm working as environmental corporate director within a multinational enterprise, focused on global water and waste water management and the impact of the industrial activities on the environment.
I'm focused on combining business, economics, and environmental protection in a holistic, transversal and inspiring creative manner.
To bring together external and internal experts of different sectors and countries (Europe, Asia, USA, South America) in order to co- create the solutions and strategies for specific, local, water- related conditions and needs, as well providing follow-up training, taking into account different personal cultures and behaviors. Co- leadership.
In order to accompany the development of individuals and teams within the professional framework, I added to my strong technical experiences, a Master’s 2 degree in “Professional coaching- personal development in enterprise”.
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Développement personnel
Coaching professionnel
Traitement des eaux usees
Formation professionnelle
Traitement des eaux
Développement durable